Control your HomeWizard products (not the Link or Smart Switch.)
Stable: v3.5.1
Test/beta: v3.5.1
Nederlands forum topic hier, maar meeste info zal in dit engelse gedeelte te vinden zijn omdat dit al langer loopt.
→ [APP][Pro][NL] Homewizard 🧙♂️
Wifi P1 dongle support is only working when dongle has firmware 2.09! Please check firmware before you try to add it. This firmware support mDNS (auto discovery) hence easier to add. It is the same technique used as ChromeCast (Google). So if you face issues with your wifi network and struggle with the devices not found you can check you wifi vendor support pages on ChromeCast issues as it the same discovery method. Wait for the dongle to get this firmware from the cloud before you try to add it.
kwh1 & kwh3 (SDM230 & SDM630), energy sockets and the watermeter (~August 2022) before you try to add them you MUST enable Local API in your Homewizard Energy app. This is disabled by default and will not allow a discovery to work (mDNS method).
Make sure your wifi devices are getting a reserved ip address in your DHCP scope of your Wifi / Router dhcp.
- Make sure Homey is in the same (wifi network)
- Make sure devices are not on a Guest wifi SSID or AP client isolation is turned on (must be off!)
- Reboot homey (mDNS discovery might be stuck)
- Reboot your wifi accesspoints/routers (unifi / ubiquiti common issues)
- Power cycle your device P1, KWH, watermeter or socket(s)
- Verify “LOCAL API” is on in Homewizard Energy app for the device(s)
- Watermeter does not work when on battery only (must be usb powered to enable LOCAL API mode)
- Install mDNS discovery app on your iphone/android and check for _hwenergy._tcp and see you can see your devices there.
- Toggle the LOCAL API in the official HomeWizard Energy app and restart the HW app on Homey to discover again
For Homewizard Energy devices my suggestion is reserve static ip’s in the dhcp server scope of your router (when possible). Some routers and dhcpserver keep cycle their dhcp scope.
More advanced tip(and those who are knowledgeable enough to implement): separate your IoT devices from your local LAN. Most of these IoT devices are cheap China tech and not known to proper firmware updates. When you separate these you need mdns repeater/proxy/relay on your router. But only if you know how to do it as its very complex to implement and requires a high level of network understanding (vlans & firewall rules).
HOMEWIZARD (legacy, yeah the old appliance)
Upon first deployment you need add the HomeWizard unit first,
then you can add the related/connected components
from HomeWizard to your Homey (ie. Heatlink, Energylink etc.
Get your local Homewizard IP address and local password (not the Homewizard Online account!)
If trying to add this in the Homey GUI and get a quick flash of this screen and blank after, please use the webinterface of Homey GUI
Homey does not support Heatlink and Energylink directly without the Homewizard unit.
Homewizard have protected their 868mhz communication with Energylink and Heatlink so you still need the Homewizard unit to make this work.
Supports: Energylink, Heatlink, Windmeter, Rainmeter, Temperature sensors, Smoke & Motion sensors
Does not support: Light bulbs & Power sockets (use KlikAanKlikUit or Smartwares app to control these).
Note on Motion sensor: There is a 10 seconds delay (use KlikAanKlikUit or Smartwares app if you need direct response).
Relevant sources and links
Project master source: GitHub - jtebbens/com.homewizard: Homewizard app for Homey
Beta channel:
Test install from app store: HomeWizard | Homey
Developers: Jeroen Tebbens, Jeroen Bos, Nick Bockmeulen, Freddie Welvering, Emile