DELETED - OLD/ARCHIVED [APP] Homewizard Energy (stable: v0.1.7 beta: v0.1.7)


This app will allow you to add your Homewizard Energy dongle (wifi) to your Homey.
Thanks to community donations (@Henk_Renting, @JPe4619, @Frank_van_de_Schuur, @ajouwens ) I could get my hands on a real device:

Note of warning your dongle must have firmware 1.48 or higher else pairing will not work and give http error. This firmware should automatically update after an hour connected with wifi internet.
If you can’t find your IP address check your wifi router for the dhcp name “espressif” which seems to be a wifi hardware brand used.

API used : HomeWizard Energy | HomeWizard Energy P1 meter lokale API : HomeWizard Energy

This app will provide the following data/metric/values from this wifi dongle:

  • Current power usage (watt) This value can go negative if you are having solarpanels and delivering back to the net.
  • Meter t1 usage (KWh)
  • Meter t1 deliver (KWh)
  • Meter t2 value usage (KWh)
  • Meter t2 deliver (KWh)
  • Aggregated meter → Calculation of the combined (T1cons+T2cons)-(T1prod+T2prod)
  • Gas meter (m3)


The wifi dongle will not show you your solarpanel production. The API (HomeWizard Energy | HomeWizard Energy P1 meter lokale API : HomeWizard Energy) that Homewizard provides does not cater for this.

There is a separate module required (kwh DIN rail) which is currently not supported and also has no API available (yet). Not sure when and how Homewizard will provide this in the future.

Homey app store: HomeWizard | Homey

This is app is compatible with Homey energy and the application “Power by the hour”

Change log:

  • Cosmetic label updates on meters shown


  • Pairing fix problem res.json is not a function


  • Phase 3 power support (Households with 3 phase power line)


  • Aggregated meter fix
  • Removed gasmeter when value is NULL (gasless household)
  • Pair problem fix (will give warning when wrong ipaddress or wrong dongle firmware).


  • Core improvement (replaced the request module with node-fetch).
    Should lower the CPU and Memory usage


  • Mark device unavailable when device has connection issues.
  • Better handling “no connection” to dongle (avoid app crash)


  • Made application compatible with “Power by the hour” application
  • Text fixes on the meters
  • Conditional based showing production meters (hide when there are no solarpanels)


  • Code cleanup and first release


  • Code fixes and first launch (beta) to test

When happy I will ask Athom to release it into their store.


Maybe put in the community store? Easyer install than cli?

Request is already sent to Athom but it takes time, needs to be verified/certified before it shows there.

Aaah oke thanks already!!

Community story link added

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Just added the P1 dongle, works great!

Just a few thoughts:

  • Would it be possible to hide the usage from delivering to the net? Perhaps there can be a toggle in settings for showing them or not? I do not use solar panels and then the overview is a bit leas clear.
  • The app has the HomeWizard logo. Your other HomeWizard app has the same logo and the name is almost the same. With the new function of Homey to search for devices nearby it is a bit hard to distinguish one app from the other. The more, since (in the search screen) you cannot see which app is installed or not.
  • When having the app installed and installing the P1 dongle, the device itself has the same HomeWizard logo. It would be (in my opinion) logical to have a logo with a P1 dongle in it. That is more alike as other devices in Homey apps.
  • it is not very clear to me what is meant/done by using the led-ring. Not at installing and not in the settings of the app. Perhaps that can be made more clear?
  • Perhaps it would be clearer to use the terms “total” (NL: “totaal”) and “current” (NL:”huidig”) in reporting/usage.

Seems a bit much or not so thankfull perhaps but it is just to make the app even better.
I am very, VERY pleased with this app. It already works great!
Thank you very much, @Jeroen_Tebbens!
Highly appreciated!

  • Hiding usage from the net is unclear to me. What do you see (screenshot) is wrong from what you expect? I cant change the Homey Energy behavior as that is what smart meter is about. But dont understand the issue.

  • Logo is/was quick and dirty. Give me suggestions what you guys want. I also said it would be cosmetic.

  • Same as above we need to agree on logo

  • led ring needs to be removed, forgot that. Its left over from rewrite. Will remove later. Or…can make it green when you are generating power (solar)…lol

  • Totaal/total ok, sure can change that.

Yes!!! It works for me. Great! Thanks

Has someone already installed the HomeWizard Energy app on a Homey Pro running on V5. On my Homey early 2016 running on V4.2.0, this app works perfectly.

Problem solved, PTP was the solution

Wow, how quick you always are!

I am sorry; I agree that was not very clearly described.
See the screenshot below. Since I do not have solar panels, these values will always be zero (don’t know why one is showing a small amount).
It would be nice if these values can be hidden here for those who have no solar panels and therefore do not deliver to the grid.

For the logo of the device itself I would consider a schematic icon of the dongle itself. So actually a circle with the connection wire at the top.

For the app a HE logo would be fine, but perhaps a description that is a bit clearer. See screenshot below.

Yes I can disable if that is 0 or in your case less than 1 KWh.

And yes I understand the logo, I will see if svg allows the shape of the dongle there.

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Text updates.
Conditional checking for delivering back to grid will toggle the production meters.

Is that just an announcement of what’s coming next?
Cannot find it in the Community Store (or Github) yet… :slight_smile:

Announcing yeah. Having a dead internet link atm. So can’t upload.

Hope you get it solved soon. Especially for yourself!
Had some internet troubles myself lately. Has become real important nowadays!
Good luck!

I get this error when I want to add it?

@Wesley_Witjes Same subnet? And you are sure its the Homewizard Energy dongle IP?
Does it respond to browser when you type: ??

Just tried with the “gebruik ledring” enabled en than it works haha.

Finally sorted. One of my network cards in my ESXi (vmware) box died (the one that does WAN). Luckly I had the old ESXi host lying around. Only recovering the config and fixing the rules took a while.


Latest code pushed to github so those that know CLI can developer install it.
I will ask the community store tomorrow.