Homey 2023 pro - offline

Thx very much Peter for your fast answer.
I use ethernet.
Actually its running, I had so much problems today:
A lot of “Homey is offline” in the app and web. After unplug and plug Homey it was running, but virtual devices were on (not last state).
433 Mhz devices did not work…

Sounds like there might be more wrong than just a bad network connection.

…but without changing anything :slightly_frowning_face:
Now it works - hope for longer… :slightly_smiling_face:

when I go to my Homey,

than I do press f5 (refresh)

So also very often Homey is “offline”
It seems Homey is unreachable.

A fast and proper fix from Athom is highly appriciated

Just a thought: I see in your screenshot that your Homey is connected to both WiFi and Ethernet. Should that not only be one of both?

As far as I know, NO.

Homey can use one of both, where ehternet is first priority and WIFI is “back up”

I was able to reproduce the problem but couldn’t solve it. Switching a Shelly Dimmer 2 multiple times, the Homey will go offline. The problem occurs even if the dimmer is not added as a device in Homey and is switched via the Shelly app. Firmware update and factory reset of the dimmer were unsuccessful. There are many setting options in the Shelly app, does anyone know a solution?

Sounds like a possible IP conflict.
Are you sure every network device has a unique IP address?

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`I had different fix IP-adresses. Now I changed manually the adress of the shelly to another fix IP. Adding in Homey functioned (not automatically found but with IP). A few tests and Homey getting offline

I saw that now I had 2 devices in Homey (old and new IP). After deleting old device the tests were ok - but not for long :frowning:
Thank you anyway Peter!

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After Reset of Homey and an Update of the Shelly-App in Homey (fortunatly yesterday) now its working :slight_smile:

Since a couple of days my Homey Pro 2023 has been off line a lot. After a restart it works again for a couple of minutes and then it goes back off line. My Homey is connected via WiFi and has run properly for more than a year. Has there been any changes in the firmware last days? My other devices in house don’t have issues with the WiFi-connection.

Exact same issue here. Did you find anything already?

Unfortunately not. I’ve ordered the Ethernet adapter to try if that solves my connection problem. I has worked without any problems for more than a year and as far as I know, nothing has changed in my set-up.