[App][Pro] Tuya Cloud


I have to ask if this is the correct app for my device.

The device is a Lyfco airconditioner with support for Smart Life / Tuya (wifi).

How to integrate this into Homey?

Have you read the first post of this thread? Did you follow the instructions?

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About that this app supports API?

No, about 2 alternative ways to control almost any Tuya device with Homey (like lights, switches) and 1 alternative way to control Homey with almost any Tuya device (like sensors and such)

It seems like quite bit of work for these raw commands.

And this is only commands. I would like to see visual parametres, don’t know if that will be possible.

Heard some rumors that Athom and Tuya shall work together. Will Athom then make an official app to add these devices?

Yess I did remove and add some lamp to the tuya app again with the same results.

Everything i tried gives me the Tuyadevice.status is not iterable error

I actually are at the point of giving up on it because I cant find any helpful information on the forum or google about the problem.


But I quit now, you want to do anything to get it to work :man_shrugging:

It is weird. Are you sure the device is supported in Homey? You can control it in Tuya, right?
Somehow, I have the impression that the device is still connected to your old Homey or something like that. Would it be an issue to remove the old Homey from your account?

Yes the filament lights from Action I use are supported.
not all devices in the tuya app are supported but as a test I only did add the filament lights to the cloud project that are known to be supported

Everything works fine in the tuya app. Old homey is empty atm because I did move everything over to the new one.

I made a new cloud project with a different email/accont that only was used on the new homey (old iot account is deleted )

Also I dont really understand the error “Tuyadevice.status is not iterable error”

Are you sure you have the right IP address?

Follow the advice from @robertklep and @Peter_Kawa , then you will get the commands and the measurements to play along with the Homey-app.

Any news about the oficial tuya app?

You can find the link to the official Tuya app news topic 7 posts back :wink:


So I’ve got the Tuya Cloud app all connected to my Smart Life app through the API, no issues there.

Although I did find the set up process a bit tedious and not all the steps were clearly defined at the top of this thread, but anyway

Most of my Smart Life devices have been added to Homey, apart from some wireless scene switches which I connect to Smart Life using Zigbee Gateways (Wireless).
All three of them are made by Moes.

I have one of these

And two of these

I just use them to trigger Knightsbridge WIFI Sockets in my home office and bedroom to save energy and I was hoping to be able to scale this up with Homey once we’ve finished renovating the downstairs of our first home.

Luckily the most important scene switch in my very basic smart home setup, a Retrotouch Crystal+ switch which is mains powered, pairs with Homey fine.

Any ideas or workarounds on how to get these into Homey?
I’m based in South London, UK :slight_smile:

Can you please post what you missed, what was wrong and what the improvements should be?
Maybe it’s possible for me to edit the manual with your findings.


How to add non-supported devices:
Please read post #1 again, it’s clearly pointed out, there are two alternative ways with links to extended howto’s :thinking::wink:

I now understand why you wrote ‘not all steps were clearly defined’, you skipped them apparently :crazy_face::man_shrugging:

When I was referring to ‘not all steps were clearly defined’ I’m talking specifically about the app setup with the API, not adding unsupported devices.

No need for the gaslighting emojis. The explanation isn’t a clearly defined step by step process, it’s just a vague explanation with some external links, assuming that people understand the ins and outs of the Tuya developer site already.

If I was questioning the unsupported devices guide, then I would just have referred to that.

Thank you for clarifying on unsupported device types, I’ll spend some time this evening having a bash with the text event method and let you know if I run into any issues. Hopefully this will all be resolved when the new integration with Tuya gets released.

EDIT: The first line of the Raw Commands guide doesn’t even make sense. “You can receive all messages send for devices with trigger cards.”
That literally does not make sense. Do you mean send or sent?

The second line doesn’t make sense either, "Also there are now action cards to send commands to you device. " You or Your?

Third line, “on this way
” doesn’t make sense either, Why not, “Using this method

At least proof read the guide before posting it

At the top of this post it says I need to use the Tuya Smart app to do this workaround. Is it not possible using Smart Life?

Don’t be a jerk, not everyone has English as their first language.


I didn’t write post # 1, but I’m happy to improve it.
And also, not all apps even have (extensive) guides, howto’s and FAQ!
Also other non-English developers here don’t write English without any errors, I hope you can picture that.
How’s your Dutch btw?

The app creator and TS is Dutch, so am I. So it’s a miracle you understand most parts of it, isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
So bear with us and our school-english, try to be nice, and just propose corrections to improve the manual without judgements thanx.
And all this is a hobby, and free of charge.

Also, about which app to use:
I prefer the TuyaSmart app, but everything should work with the SmartLife as well

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