Tuya Cloud and Homey


I want to know where can i find a tutorial to get all the device from tuya Cloud in Homey pro.
is there a more simple way to get all the device from Tuya smart direcly to Homey pro whith out going through Tuya cloud?

Thanks for your Help.

Hello Jeff and welcome!

For Tuya Wifi devices:

For Tuya zigbee devices:


There was, but according to Athom, the Tuya company pulled the plug for new accounts:

I don’t think this will be fixed (anytime), but that’s just my impression on how things ended, and the comments on that by Athom.

Thanks A lot for your answer, i did by tuya cloud and it work.
but can i get my Camera from Smart life that i put to tuya cloud?
Because i do not find in the apps tuya cloud device webcam

also 2 devices in Tuya cloud can not be recover

one light with automatique detection
Product Category: gyd

system that check the consumption of current
Smart meter ivap
Product Category: dlq


YW, Jeff.

No. UNLESS it supports the ONVIF protocol, you can use the Onvif camera app.
Video streaming is not yet possible @ Homey.
But you can use motion snapshots f.i., to trigger flows.

You can use “RAW commands” to have Homey respond to Tuya device and sensor data.
That means it should be able to receive f.i. moition events from your camera that way.

With help of “tap-to-run” scenes, you can control almost any Tuya cloud device with Homey.
This is also possible with “RAW Commands”, but that might not be your cup of tea.

It"s all explained in the Tuya Cloud post I linked to in my previous post.