[App][Pro] Tuya Cloud

I didn’t write post # 1, but I’m happy to improve it.
And also, not all apps even have (extensive) guides, howto’s and FAQ!
Also other non-English developers here don’t write English without any errors, I hope you can picture that.
How’s your Dutch btw?

The app creator and TS is Dutch, so am I. So it’s a miracle you understand most parts of it, isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
So bear with us and our school-english, try to be nice, and just propose corrections to improve the manual without judgements thanx.
And all this is a hobby, and free of charge.

Also, about which app to use:
I prefer the TuyaSmart app, but everything should work with the SmartLife as well

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It’s all good, but I’d be happy to redraft the blurb if you ever wanted.

The issue I’m having now is that Signal is not appearing when I create a Flow to trigger the info from the Tuya devices.
It’s definitely installed, because it appears in App Settings.

I’ve tried this on the web app and on the mobile app. I’ve also restarted Homey a couple of times.

Always use the ‘text message’ trigger for new stuff, it triggers on any message type.

Otherwise, take a look at the tap-to-run scenes instead, but, idk if this is of any use with wall switches (don’t own one).

Oh, if you want to restart things, the app restart would suffice, no need for Homey restarts.

Ps. I dropped dev Jurgen a note, to see if I can get the rights to be able to improve the 1st post, with your help

I appreciate all the help and quick replies, especially on a Saturday, but I’m still hitting a brick wall.

What are the exact steps for setting up the flow?

Tuya Cloud
text event received

send message

I can’t select Signal. I’ve followed all the steps outlined on the Signal app page with creating an API key. When I go to add Signal as a device, the API key is invalid.

This is what I meant earlier when I said the steps are not clearly defined. It’s probably quite obvious when you know all of the steps, but for someone coming into this afresh, it’s all very vague and you’re left to jump through multiple hoops. It’s making the whole process and my first experience with Homey very convoluted and frustrating.
I’ve been trying to get this to work now for about six hours and I’m still no closer to getting a simple, very popular Zigbee device, into Homey.

Video titles like this, really come across as false advertising.

Ok I’ve FINALLY figured out how to do the flow and the Switch has sent over the info to Signal.

Now for the next step!

FINALLY got this working :sweat_smile:

What’s also cool with this method is that you can basically jail break the switch and turn a single_click function into a toggle switch, rather than using long_press as an off function.

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So ive followed all of the steps in the guide, but are stuck with Error: Error: Code: 2406; msg: skill id invalid when trying to save.
My homey also gives me the notification attached

I have tried the fixes thats posted in the guide also!
Any tips?

Hello Sky, and welcome!

Please start by using the search function (as you don’t mentioned you did):
There’s 25 posts and possible fixes about this specific error message;
Skill ID invalid is also mentioned in post #1 “Error codes and troubleshooting”
The search I did:

Vote @deejayreissue for proof reader!

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Sadly my switches have stopped responding completely and they’re not sending any data to Signal :frowning:

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The RAW messages are still send most probably, but I guess your Signal account is banned (too many messages in a certain timeframe - it’s limited because it’s free of charge), while you should disable the “receive any text and send it to Signal” flow as soon as you’ve discovered the data you need for a device.
It can send many many messages!

You can consider replacing the Signal card with a Simple Log card, this stores the messages on Homey storage.
But only enable that flow when you need to find out incoming data.

my smart sockets are stopt working by homey

if i use smart life app homey takes over the setting its in on or off

but if i control it with homey they are not responding

what can be the problem ?

i restarted the app and tested some with homey control and app control but homey is not controlling the sockets and smart life app controls are taken over by homey what state the sockets is in on or off


It was actually just the app itself. Works fine now I’ve restarted!

i will try to remove all sockets tomorrow from the app and reconnect them again with the smart app and then try to readd them to homey

i hope this will work

Oh OK. But be careful with that flow that triggers and sends all events.

This makes no sense Kevin, because the developer isn’t actively maintaining the app since January 2023 (see post #1 and this statement), he won´t read your diagnostic report and he won’t respond :face_with_peeking_eye: :man_shrugging:

Why not start with one, to see what happens / if it makes a difference?

to add information instead of ‘whatsapping’; Hit the pencil to edit your initial post, thx.

Oh my chill out

I came to this topic by searching so did not see the #1 topic

I found it by someone with same problem so that’s why

Sorry did not want to reply on my own message but clicked it accidentally I think

I will let you know if it works to read the sockets again

Hi all, anyone knows what is going on here? I keep getting Homey notifications and Simple Sys Log app is posting the same notifications on my Homey timeline. As far as I know, I haven’t changed anything. Maybe an update of the Homey or update of the Tuya Cloud app, has created this bug.

Via the Tuya Cloud app, I have added a dehumidifier. This works very well since a few years, but since a few weeks, I suddenly get these very annoying notifications. These notifications are not coming from a flow. It’s either from the Tuya Cloud app, or in Tuya Smart on the desktop they have changed something. The dehumidifier has not get an update.

My Homey 2023 is updated manually. Tuya Cloud app updates automatically. Anyone knows where this issue is coming from? Till now, either I have to stop Homey notifications, but that means all which is not nice. Or disconnect the dehumidifier from Homey, but that also not nice as it is programmed with flows. Hope someone knows how to help!

You obviously thought I wrote my post with an other ‘tone’ or whatever, there is no ‘tone’; I was just providing some info on how we should use the forum, nothing more, nothing less :woozy_face:
If you don’t agree, just ask Emile why he made those rules here :wink:

:thinking: you are sure you do not have a flow active doing this? Somewhere tested something and forgotten to remove??