[App][Pro] Tuya Cloud

The notifications are sent by Simple Log, as shown by the icon.
From the actual notification text, that is data from the trigger “When text/number event received”

and you connected it with either the 2nd or the 3rd Simple Log action cards shown below.
You’d want to use the first card to have it log to Simple Log only:


There’s no pushed stable update since July 8th '23, you can check it in the changelog @ app store:

Also, auto-updated apps is not a hidden action, it sends notifications to your timeline.

My bad! It was a flow actually… Never thought about it anymore haha. Probably in the beginning testing something. It never worked for some reason, until recently became active.

Deleted the flow now, all sorted. Many thanks, it was indeed a flow based on Tuya Cloud when a text is received…

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Happens to me as well, in fact, often errors are your own: Problem Exists Between Chair And Computer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hint: add the actual flow name to Simple log cards (and other notification cards!)

I use the field app/group field of this card

Flow name: ‘Device unavailable’

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Goedemorgen, is er iemand die deze luchtvochtigheidssensor van Tuya (wifi) heeft kunnen toevoegen?

alvast bedankt en een zonnig weekend gewenst

Only a picture won’t really get you very far @Roland_Twilt I think it’s best to share a link to the product info and specs.

Goed idee;

Thx. That’s a Bluetooth soil moisture sensor.
I think it works best via a BT/wifi gateway, such as this one:


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I’m using a LSC (tuya based) camera with pan and tilt, would someone know if it is possible to add the camera and at least read out the movement detecting OR even better pan/tilt movement by homey?

As for now it’s not possible to add a camera in this app but would be great if there a decent work around

When it supports ONVIF → I recommend this app: [APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41)

You can request for camera support for the new Tuya app, if it ain’t requested yet, here

App download:

I’ve actually had to stop using this app, because I need to restart it basically every single day to keep my switches working.

Is there a flow where I can ask the app to restart?

You can restart an app when one of its devices got unavailable:

You can use an ‘every x minutes’ trigger, or the “when device y becomes unavailable” trigger from the Device Capabilities app.

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Hi, sorry for probably silly question, is a wall mounted thermostat (controls radiators and floor heating) falls into „thermostat” category of tuya devices which can be installed on homey using tuya app? I am completely new to homey so please do excuse me if this question has already been asked… I attach a picture of the device I am writing about…

Hello Jurek, and welcome.

Yes. Just try adding the thermostat with any of the 4 different device types to see if it gets recognised. Start with ‘Thermostat’. Nothing’s gonna break.

If it doesn’t get recognised, search the 1st post for the workarounds ‘tap-to-run’ and ‘RAW commands’

Thanks so much. Will give it a try. :blush:


I am almost the happiest person, because I got my watering valves up and running… but: although I have set a mining duration in the tuya app and I am calling the device over could with command switch = true and - just tried that - also set the work_state to manual (tried to call is before and after the switch command) => watering is only down to 10 minutes (countdown is reported via the listening flow I implemented)…
This is my watering flow that runs for 10 minutes:

What I am trying to achieve is that a cronjobb checks for weather (rain) and if precipitation is < 2mm watering is performed 3/day for 30 minutes… Everything works except for the 30 minutes… :wink:

Any suggestions? Thanks!
Any suggestions?

There’s many posts about smart gardens with lots of examples:

For “for 30 minutes” delays you could use Chronograph for example.
Don’t use the ‘onboard’ delays for not-very-short delays, because they don’t survive a reboot :man_shrugging:
When Homey powers down or restarts during the running delays, they don’t run anymore and therefore the flowcard “watering turn off” never turns the water off.
Chronograph timers survive reboots.
Create double or triple checks to see if the watering actually has turned off.
You don’t want floods

Hi guys,

Has anybody some experience with Tuya thermostats?

I managed to get my tuya devices into home with Tuya Cloud app, but my thermostats (radiators) have very weird temp range:

Anybody has solved this issue or is it just range interpretation e.g. 1 deg in homey represents 1/2 deg of the thermostat range?

TIA for your kind help.

Best, J.

EDIT: 1 deg in homey is 5 deg in thermostat… this makes usage very difficult. Maybe anybody has some solution to make the increment lower (either in homey or on device)…? Thanks. J.

Hi Peter, your pet ignoramus here! :smiley:
I was trying to submit a Tuya device and was pointed to github, whichdidn’t seem to have a clear place to record the item I’m interested in. It also seem to be pointed to Homey CLI, but I don’t have a clue what that means! Could you explain please?

My second problem is connected to the wifi disaster I had recently. All my tuya blind control buttons have lost connection to my wifi hub, and that it after over a year of faultless use. I cannot find a way of reconnecting the devices. Is there a way through the Tuya app, I’ve spent ages trying but there doesn’t seem to be a way of reconnecting.

Search forum for
How to CLI
Command Line Install is not for everyone. But I’d give it a go!

  1. Change the 2.4GHz SSID credentials back to what you used previously (before the modem reset happened).

  2. Else, I didn’t find anything smelling like “Repair”,
    What I do, is to hit “Remove Device”, and then select “Remove”, see screenshot:

Now, when you add the device as new device again, it’s name is recognised.
On top of my head, I had to calibrate the curtains again.