[App][Pro] Tuya Cloud

With the official Tuya support from Homey for Tuya, we don’t have to go through the Tuya developers platform anymore?

No, that is not necessary anymore.
But a limited number of devices are supported right now. Will be expanded of course, but until then it could be that you still might prefer the community developer app.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Tuya has officially joined the “Talks With Homey” program

Hi, have same issue with my thermostats, have you got any solution for the desired temp? Thx. J


Hi Peter,

Just hate bothering you but the issue with wrong set temp range is making the use of thermostats in homey quite impossible… I found that the firmware range of my tuya thermostat (from tuya developer website) is 10-70 deg C, which may correspond to the scale in homey tuya cloud app divided by 10… On the other hand the device’s range is (in smart life app) from 5 to 35 (again original firmware range divided by 2). Is there any way to match the range in homey app to the smart life range? Would appreciate your advice…

Many thanks


No problem. The scale should be adjustable:

And / or,
You can also wait for thermostat support with the Athom Tuya app.
It can run next to the Tuya Cloud app!

Thanks a million,

I am surely keenly looking for the support of thermostats in Atom Tuya App.

In the meantime I would be keen to get to these settings that you have mentioned:

I have even tried to install these thermostats as “other” and there is the firmware code behind however how to control it is still magic for me… :frowning:



Now you’re mixing up both apps; you describe the Athom Tuya app.

Because the Tuya Cloud app, this is it’s forum topic, has no “other” device:

So install the Thermostat or Heater with the app called “Tuya Cloud”, and go to the devices’ settings.
There you’d find a scale setting, if I got Ronny’s message right.

In TuyaCloud (community) app, the thermostat/heater devices are using the scale factor internally. I hope, all Tuya devices are providing such a scale factor in device attributes.

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Hi Peter, sorry to mix topics again. Now getting back to „tuya cloud”. I have these thermostats installed (as thermostats, not possible as heaters) - „no device found”), but there is no setting for scale step available:

Not even in the experimental version of the app…

Had a look at homey developer page, no option neither… :frowning:

Any thought how to fix it?

Thanks, J.

Hi Ronny,

I can not get into these, not in app device settings, nor in developers tools…


The scale factor is a device attribute in your Tuya developer account. The device should have a temp setting like this:

You have to check the device capabilities in Tuya developer page where you can see your devices and their capabilities/actions.

Hi Ronny,

I will check this, thanks. Get back with feedback.



Wysłane z iPada

Hi Ronny,

on the Tuya Development website you can access the code:

However you can not update the firmware. I am also thinking the way:

the range of temperatures in the firmware is not of the importance. Important is that the app getting the settings from firmware shall apply the proper divider to display set temp in Homey as well as to allow proper step in the temp adjustment. I think this goes in line with what Peter was mentioning:

You would need to set this in the installed in Homey Tuya device (I guess some devices may vary in terms of their firmware settings…?):

So far there are no settings options for that in the Homey Tuya Cloud app as far as I understand…

Can’t figure out how to have that, I suppose many of us struggle with same issue and I have no intention to change my thermostats as these are pretty OK with many nice functions…



If your thermostat should use 10…70° (is this the correct range?), then the scale factor must be 0 in Tuya device settings. See this example:

So it seems, the device definition at Tuya is wrong.
The app uses scale factor 1 (/10^x) and you get 7° in Homey.
The app itself is using the Tuya definition correctly.

Hi Ronny,

I think that you are right that the setting in the firmware may not be correct, however the device itself displays correct values:

Higher temp: firmware: 70 deg C / device 35 deg C
Set temp: when sending a command from the Developer Platform to set for 25 deg C it is set to 12,5 deg C

So the device uses “2” divider.

This was my conclusion that the Homey app may be using certain divider (“10”) - at the set temp 12,5 at the device display Homey shows 2,5 deg C (divider 10):

As I am unable to influence the firmware (if I would the device itself would show wrong number on display I guess) than the only option is to change the divider used by Homey app to display temperature. If I could achieve this everything would work OK (I can of course live with wrong display and set temp in the Smart Life app but that is not the solution I look for …).

My understanding from the quote from Peter was, that the scale and step settings are available in Homey device settings but they are not…

This is where I am stuck at…

many thanks for your kind help and advice I do appreciate it a lot…



In this case, the manufakturer app is calculating values without dependencies to device definition. Homey is right using scale 1 (means /10).
Homey can’t know how the external app is misusing the values.

Agreed 100%. In any case possibility to change it in the app would solve the issue. I saw some colleagues experiencing same/similar issues… :man_shrugging:

Have a great afternoon.


Wysłane z iPhone’a

I don’t think than anyone will extend the app since there is the Athom app which offers settings for Individual scale factors.

Very hard to remain patience… :man_shrugging::face_with_spiral_eyes: