[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

When one guy (Jurgen of Tuya Cloud app) can pull it off, Athom should as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

None of this allows me to send commands to other devices using a switch though :rofl:

At the moment I can set rules for the switch and trigger the switch using a flow or a motion sensor, but I desperately need the switch itself to be the trigger and this isn’t possible until we get “other” when cards.

Surely this is quite easy to do and MUCH quicker than adding new device types.

I’m sorry, that’s an other subject?

This was about be able to start scenes, with “THEN” cards

I just explained it’s possible to control Tuya devices already

Of course we all wait anxiously to the “When” cards you are mentioning!

I tried to pose my question through the app but get in a cycle that let’s me choose what app i want support for, visit developpers site and back.

I have tuya smart installed on my iphone and succesfully aithorized in homey but get in a cycle where if i add a device, other type, i have to authorize. In the end i get a message i am already authorized. Nowhere i get to see the devices setup in tuya smart.

Currently i am using my tuya Zigbee radiator valves through some elaborate tuya developper subscription which i have to renew every 6 months and was hoping an official app would be less complicated.

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I have the same issue. Tried both the mobile app (Android) and the web app.

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It’s not complicated, it just has some bug with the login system, which seems difficult to solve.
It’s a bit odd Athom doesn’t respond at all to this issue.

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Having the exact same problem. Unfortunately in my haste I removed the community Tuya app and closed my tuya developer account, was getting constant messages about things being deprecated and not being able to find and sort the replacement. I used it for one lightswitch. When Athom get this sorted it will be grand but for now I can’t make it work and there is no way to reach Athom support for this app

In the latest version it is possible to send commands to a not supported device. Is it also possible to receive info. Like relay status and power consumption. In the old tuya cloud app it was possible.

Trying to figure out how to do that… Any pointers?

There is no old app? :man_shrugging:
The Tuya Cloud app is a fine working community app, but not actively maintained.
The Athom Tuya app is just another Tuya (cloud) app, but a 1000% easier to setup😉
It is not replacing the community app. In fact, they can run just fine side by side!


Atm this is only possible with the Tuya Cloud app → Look for “Raw Commands” in the dedicated Tuya Cloud app topic’s first post.


As explained several times in this topic :blush:


In Dutch

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:facepunch: Thanks, Athom:

I added Tuya app (V1.1.1) to Homey pro and connected 1 CH Wifi switch, which I previously added to my Smart Life Android app. I can see it in Homey, but can not control it or see it’s status.

I added it as type “other”. There is no “switch” type option in adding Tuya devices and when I tried to add it as “plug”, it was not found (“no new devices found”).

When I select this device in Homey, there is message “All Good. This device works fine but you can not control it.”

Am I missing something?

Regards, Brane

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Try this howto

It’s in Dutch, but f.i. Chrome browser can translate on the spot.

Hello guys and girls,

I am looking for a standing smart fan Wich is Tuya compatible. Any suggestions?


Hi, I have added 2 smart plugs and they show amps, voltage and power BUT no on/off switch.
I can send the code “switch” via flows to turn it on or off, and that works fine, but the cards does not update and just shows it is ON all the time. Can someone point me in the right direction to fix this? I have already read through this topic and couldn’t find an answer.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Seems like a bug. Please report a bug at https://github.com/athombv/com.tuya/issues/new/choose

There are still the requests on Github with this info which Athom has ignored my request to remove.

And you can’t edit your issues to remove said info?

Wow, I can login to tuya now. But if I try to register a new device, homey stays on the page 'Please login to your tuya account '.
Is it really so difficult?

The info can still be accessed, because you can see the edit history of the posts.