Are Tuya based devices from Aliexpress supported in Homey?

Hi, I’m a Home Assistant user and considering to buy Homey for my new home.
I was wondering if devices such this are supported by homey?

they are usually connected via Tuya Zigbee2Wifi bridge and controlled on the Tuya app.
and if I want to control them using Google Home or Home Assistant - I must use the Tuya’s API such that the Google Home / HA are communicating Tuya’s cloud → then communicating the device

so I wonder if Homey could communicate those devices directly?
and more specifically, can it communicate the Tuya Zigbee devices (such this one) directly? without the Tuya Zigbee2Wifi bridge

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Some Tuya zigbee devices can indeed be controlled directly with;

Others (WiFi connected) can be controlled through Tap-to-run scenes and the Tuya Cloud app;

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