[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

Shouldn’t ignorant users be warned about what kind of private data they share @ github with the device request procedure?

Screenshot from 2024-07-24 21-21-28

This kind of data gets submitted by copy / pasting blindly:

  • ip (address)
  • lat (itude)
  • lon (gitude)
  • owner_id
  • uid (unknown if it’s private data)
  • uuid (unknown if it’s private data)
  • local_key (unknown if it’s private data)

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Insane levels of incompetence.

I had a good look at it before I posted. The IP address belongs to British Telecom and is useless on its own. The latitude and longitude are abbreviated; they certainly don’t pinpoint my location (unless you believe I live in the middle of a park).

I supposed it might be technically possible for someone with enough skill and knowledge to turn my fan or my tablet charger on or off. But I couldn’t see who would bother to do that. I could always delete and re-add the devices in the Tuya app to invalidate the relevant codes. I’m pretty sure I won’t need to do that.


Hi Andy,

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not thinking there’s much privacy left these days, but I really believe a company like Athom should alert their users on what data they are about to publish, when they request support for a device. Nothing more, nothing less.
Because not everyone is a ‘techie’, and not everyone reads, or even understands a thing of what kind of data is shared here.

Users always should be alerted, to have a choice to anonymize (some of) their data, or not.

Especially with all the fuzz about LG and privacy, I think it’s just very sloppy and careless of Athom.

Nice to hear, but my IP address points to my modem/router, I just don’t want the IP published along with my username and such.

I’m afraid your Tuya owner_id f.i. doesn’t change by removing and re-adding devices.

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Tuya 1.1.0

“Added method to retrieve device specifications from device settings”

This sounds promising…


  1. I managed to login. Apparently if I try to login with my phone number is not working.
  2. There is an issue with the decimals on power usage:
    First is the plug added via tuya cloud. second is tuya app.
    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 16.51.25

I think you will find the function you are looking for here in the settings.

Unfortunately, I can’t see Power at all. How did you manage to get them to see power?

Oh, I have found the solution. To be able to use the new power function, the device must be removed and added again

Hi @Emile,
I just want to forward this information about the Tuya internal scale factor to your devs. I don’t know who is responsible while @Doekse is in vacation.

This is just because it was annoced to offer device settings for scale, but it’s already available in device details.

Thanks for forwarding :slight_smile:

Does anyone have any idea whether it is possible to integrate this gong via “other”?

I am grateful for tips

Hi Simon,

You can add a Device request at:
https://github.com/athombv/com.tuya/issues/new?assignees=&labels=device+request&projects=&template=device-request.yml&title=%5BDevice+request%5D%3A+) (all needed steps are explained in there),
after making sure it has not been requested already by someone else.
Then it’s just waiting, and checking the app changelog for update info: https://homey.app/a/com.tuya/

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That is good to hear.
I now have a situation where a Tuya Wi-Fi temperature and humidity sensor is paired with my Smartlife and is functional.
I can add the sensor in Homey23; it is recognised under “other” (since the temp sensor category is not shown), adds an icon, and tells me it is functional, but it does not give me the data ( temp and humidity).

Not sure what to do now.

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 16.30.35

Just wait 'til it gets added to the Athom Tuya app supported devices, or just keep on using this Tuya Cloud app.

For those interested: Here my request on Github for the addition of the Tuya 8 station sprinkler which I currently control through Tuya Cloud.

Hi @Emile

Would it be possible to create When cards for the ‘other’ Tuya devices, whilst we wait for more device type support?
It would seriously supercharge my experience with Homey Pro.

A bit of a different question. Do you plan to allow querying for Tuya device logs? I have a few ventilator devices that reports CO2 values, but it does not do that in the device status, but it does so in the device logs, go figure :sweat_smile:

If I could periodically query device logs, I could then parse the ppm values and save them to a vitual device.

Might be available on insights once its a supported device type?

I’ve been able to see the difference in lumens on sunny and cloudy days for my motion sensors using insights.
Really useful as I can tell some lights to come on at more convenient times, not just when its near sunset.

@Doekse As mentioned earlier, I think the first thing that should be added are scenes. This way, all devices become compatible at once. And also the devices that will never be compatible with this app. What are your thoughts about that? This is the reason I still have installed the community Tuya app.

No, only true for devices Homey can control.
Sensors values and such aren’t possible to send to Homey per Scenes.

But, to control any Tuya device, there’s a working solution in place already:

Agreed. I have several scenes that operate multiple Tuya devices simultaneously. I can replicate that by implementing several device operations in Homey but not, in my experience without delays between each operation. As it is, there is no perceived delay so, for example, my living room lights all come on at once.

I would have thought implementing scenes would be a ‘quick win’ - although I’m prepared to be told it’s not as easy as I think.
