[App][Pro] Tuya Cloud

Hi Ronny,

on the Tuya Development website you can access the code:

However you can not update the firmware. I am also thinking the way:

the range of temperatures in the firmware is not of the importance. Important is that the app getting the settings from firmware shall apply the proper divider to display set temp in Homey as well as to allow proper step in the temp adjustment. I think this goes in line with what Peter was mentioning:

You would need to set this in the installed in Homey Tuya device (I guess some devices may vary in terms of their firmware settings…?):

So far there are no settings options for that in the Homey Tuya Cloud app as far as I understand…

Can’t figure out how to have that, I suppose many of us struggle with same issue and I have no intention to change my thermostats as these are pretty OK with many nice functions…

