[TUTORIAL] Setting up MQTT on Homey for configuring Home Assistant for dashboard purposes


I can dectibe in short words the way I installed HA on an QNap NAS.
Further information can be found can be found in the germat thread, too:

You need:

1)Docker service on your Synology

  1. Mosquito Container (search for the docker version named “eclipse-mosquitto:latest”)
    This will be your Mosquitto broker (server) which ist serving all the data interchanged by Homey and HA.
    Please try to secure this with a user/pw. Search for documentation because you need to create the user in the docker-CLI.

  2. HomeAssistant container (search for “homeassistant/home-assistant:latest”)
    Attention: Please search a documentation how to set options for container on synology.
    You shlould create s share where you can put the config files for HA. This share must be assigned to the HA config link while you install the container. If you wan to access via the NAS-IP port 8123, you can set the network settings to “host”. There are several documentations and videos in the web.

  3. If HA in installed an running, create a user in the GUI.
    Then go to “settings/integrations”, install MQTT and set the data of your MQTT brocker (teh instance in NAS container).

  4. Getting Homey data via MQTT:
    Install the Homey app “MQTT Hub”. This app will send all data as entities to MQTT brocker (where HA will retrieve the data while it’s registered as MQTT client).
    The install Homey app “MQTT client” and set your access data to MQTT brocker.

Then you can start a broadcast in MQTT-Hub app settings. This will publish all Homey devices to MQTT broker.
In HA you should seeh the devices/entities now (settings/entities).

Good luck :slight_smile:

This way I’m using HA as Dashboard on an tablet.
I use the lovelace GUI with some custom controls. You wil find many thins to extend HA in the home assistand forum.
For dislaying I use the fully kiosk browser in android. In this browser you can set individual zoom (which ist not possible this way in other android apps/browser).
My Dashboard looks like this: