MQTT Setup Instructions - For a Beginner, Start to Finish Example / Instructions

Hello, I am looking for simple and clear instructions for implementing MQTT within Homey Pro and possibly utilizing it as well to import device information from Home Assistant. I have read a number of postings and its has become a bit confusing since many are specific trouble shooting posts followed with a string of procedural corrections. Additionally, there are four MQTT modules available within Homey: MQTT Broker, MQTT Client, MQTT Hub, and MQTT Server. Possibly two of these modules may be very similar or overlap each other. Can anyone provide a simple but with clear details/examples on how to setup and implement MQTT from start to finish? Or possibly point me to links which may in the order of implementation?
Appreciate your help and support.

I’m not a DEV, only a normal user, and was able to setup HA → Homey and Homey → HA with these tutorials and instuchtions in a short time. I don’t want to claim that I understand everything, but it works :slight_smile:


If you have a specific problem during setup, then you should ask your question in one of the corresponding threads

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Many apps have similar working apps in the app store.

But to explain the MQTT jungle:
MQTT Server = recently published by Emile (Athom); it’s sort of a hub + client + broker in one package.

Originally these 3 apps were necessary to publish Homey devices, and to receive topic messages, these are still my preferred tools.
MQTT Broker = you need one broker in your setup, it can run on Homey, or on HA, or elsewhere.
MQTT Client = connects to a broker, and is needed to send / receive topic messages
MQTT Hub = a tool which publishes preferred Homey devices to MQTT, it uses the MQTT Client app to communicate. It has lots of built-in tools

You can run MQTT Hub & -Client on multiple Homey’s


Thank you Warmduscher. I have previously read these threads and as I researched, got confused. Will need to try again.

Thank you, Peter. Sounds like two paths:

  1. Use MQTT Server as-is since its somewhat an aggregate of Broker, Client and Hub. Maybe least flexible but also easiest to configure.

  2. Use the MQTT Broker, Client and Hub with setup in that order. Also use only one Broker across multiple platforms (HA or Homey) using Client and Hub. on/with each. I am assuming this may be the most flexible but challenging setup/configuration.

I may try Using MQTT Server first to see if I can get a successful result.

The MqttServer has no option for HomeAssistant auto discovery. This way you have to create Mqtt entities manually in HA.
MqttHub exports devices with HA auto discovery
This way, you only have to add the MqttClient integration to HA and connect to your broker. Devices exported to Mqtt will automatically appear in HA as entities.


Thank you. I hope to get back to this endeavor in the next few days. I did some additional reading but no real attempts at configurations. Getting an error with Homey " Retrieving broker data failed, Error: ENOENT … An obvious configuration error.
Based on your response I should restart with MQTT (mosquito) on HA and then use Homey Mqtt Hub. Appreciate the feedback.