Install the test/experimental version of the app! IKEA Trådfri App voor Homey | Homey
Shortcut button working fine here since last (experimental) Tradfri version 1.14.2.
Could not get my Shortcut button to work. Connected it back to the Trådfri hub and it upgraded the firmware from 2.3.015 to 2.3.080, and after moving it back to Homey it now works. The upgrade process took 5 hours and drained the battery in the button.
Note that the battery did not get drained. It now appears that there must be a bug that gives low battery. With the previous firmware and the IKEA app, the only thing that worked was the battery indicator. Now the button works, but the battery indicator does not.
Damn the Shortcut button was working fine here and now its removed from the Beta, now i have two buttons and no flows working.
why remove it at all?
I also noticed the shortcutbutton is removed from 1.14.3
But all my earlier installed buttons are still working; i only cannot add new ones.
I already created a ticket for the developer(s).
Zojuist onderstaande email ontvangen van het ontwikkelteam van Athom.
Hoewel de knop in 1.14.2 bij mij foutloos werkte heeft men toch onderstaande beslissing genomen.
De knoppen kunnen dus terug naar Ikea.
Hi Peter,
Thank you for reaching out to our support!
Although the strive to support as many Ikea devices as possible, we have had to make the decision to remove the shortcut button from our Ikea Tradri app for Homey. The reason is that after careful testing and programming and updating the device several times, it remained unstable and in fact almost unusable for over 50% of users testing this device.
I hope this answers your question, although it will not be the answer you were hoping for, which is why I’m closing your ticket. If you need additional support, please feel free to re-open your ticket by answering this email.
I wish you a very merry Christmas and a lot of fun with Homey!
Best Regards,
The Athom support team.
I tried and it was still possible to pair a Shortcut button with App version 1.14.3 by choosing another device. The device is marked “deprecated”, one of two buttons did not immediate work the other worked.
One or two buttons ?
A shortcut button only has one button , though ?
Correct: every shortcut button only has one button!
Bummer. Just bought one of these today as it seemed perfect for my use. Anyone know if it will be back, a hack to get it going? Or do I need to install my hub again just for this one device?
The IKEA gateway app doesn’t provide access to remotes/sensors/buttons.
That was bad news…Oh, well - at least I now have…a thing…that I can use for…something?
You mean the 1.14.3 version of IKEA Tradfri by Athom? Is it possible to install older versions of the app?
Don’t know. I just got rid of the thing
I found 1.8.4 on Git (don’t know if it actually works, just try it):
Install using CLI method:
Did anyone get it to work the IKEA Shortcut Button? Did anybody update to the newest firmware and did that help?
I just bought one shortcut button, as it would be a nice addition, but got the same issues as mentioned above… Can get it to connect to homey, however it doesn’t register clicks of the button.
Aw shucks, I really should’ve checked the boards first before just assuming Homey has the ability to pair the button means it’ll work. I just bought three of them, one works fine. The other two, same story as above: pair without a problem, but don’t actually work.
I know someone asked - either here on in a different thread - why not just use Aqara’s mini button. I have two of those as well, but there you have to press precisely in the middle. With the Tradfri buttons you press the entire casing of the button, which just works better for my use case. Or rather: the intended use case.
Ah well. I’ll either return the two that aren’t working or hold unto them in hopes the problem can be solved in the future. It’s not like they’re expensive.
The Shortcut Button needs to run firmware 2.3.080 (or newer) to work with Homey.
To update the button you need an TRÅDFRI hub. When it runs the new firmware, you can pair it to Homey.
I know, but I’m not inclined to purchase it just to use two more buttons. Maybe I’ll ask around if someone has it, but I don’t know many smart home enthusiasts IRL.