Issues with Ikea Shortcut Button

I am having issues with the IKEA Shortcut Button. I can pair it, and it shows up correctly as any other device. However, nothing happens when clicking the button. No flow is triggered. I have tried the long press as well.

In the Developer view, it is listed as Ready and Available. I have also tried two different physical buttons to rule out a technical malfunction with the button itself - and on two different network routes.

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? Is it with the IKEA Homey app itself?

The forum is crammed with this issue. Here’s two solutions. I guess the “just wait” option does not work, but it’s worth a shot, isn’t it? :wink:

I got this from Homey support:

For your IKEA shortcut button to work, Homey requires that its firmware version is 2.3.080 or higher. You can update your buttons by connecting them to a IKEA gateway.

Thanks! Will see if I can track down anyone with an IKEA gateway…

Or deCONZ or zigbee2mqtt, those systems can update IKEA firmware too.


I also had the same problem, bought four shortcut button ~a month ago, first time I just connected one of them. This doesn’t wanted to work at all, right before I wanted to bring back all to IKEA, just gave a last shot and the button started to work, so I connected the rest of the three buttons, and none of them worked, similarly the first one.
At this point I started to search and found this thread. As I didn’t have Ikea gateway so I was not able to update the fw.
Just borrowed an IKEA gateway, but my button’s firmware was the latest so it was also a dead end…

At my final desperation, reconnected several times vice versa to Homey and to IKEA gateway, surprisingly it stated to work. After that I started to experiment and I did the following with the rest of two buttons:

  1. Take out the battery wait few minutes
  2. Press the connect button as it suggested by the “Add Device” function at Homey
  3. Tried out with a simple flow
  4. If not worked removed the device from Homey and goto step 1.

For both of the remained buttons this method was worked but the retry count was totally random while it started to work (4-6x times)…


This workaround really works well for me. I had to add two shortcut buttons, One worked around 10 tries, the second took around 25 tries, but finally both work fine.

Thx so far :+1:t2::blush:

Without any gateway?

Yes, without any gateway. Works Fine so far, but extremly stressful to connect… 30-50 retrys easily…

Ok, took a break after 10-15 tries. Need to try again :sweat_smile:

Keep on trying… very frustrating, but at last a very good device for the Price :relaxed:

Another issue with Ikea button. It has latest firmware. Connected to my Homey Bridge along with a zoo of other devices. Flows are working, but… On one press it turns on the nearest smart plug in the network, connected to Homey. On double press it turns it off. With no settings or flows. I have several Aqara and Lidl Silvercrest smart plugs. All are affected. Deleted and reconnected it several times. Both to Homey and Ikea gateway. Behavior is the same. But I’m not sure if it is exactly button, Ikea plugin or Homey issue.
Just by writing the message I got an idea to try to connect it to Homey while holding it close to Ikea range extender I have in basement to cover some dead corners. So far it worked as this extender is not switchable. And assigned flows are working as well. But will watch it for some time.
Sudden magic.


This is likely an issue with the smart plugs, as explained here.

It’s not fixable from Homey, because it doesn’t support upgrading/downgrading device firmware, but even then, I don’t think all devices you mention have downloadable firmware anyway.

You also can’t force devices to be routed through a particular device, so even if the remote is routed through an IKEA repeater at this moment doesn’t mean it will always use that device and the issue may re-appear.

You probably have to consider finding a different remote.

Thanks for the link! Yep. Weird issue. Hope Aqara (and Silvercrest, BTW, as it is also affected) will fix it soon. So far workarounded it with placing another IKEA repeater closer to the button than any plug. Now need to remember that it should be used only on that place.


My IKEA TrĂĄdfri bulbs do not react either, regardless of the shortcut button. Flow is running when tested throug app, but bulbs do not react.
Related issue, or should I keep searching in the forum? :slightly_frowning_face:

/ Mads

Is there any way of finding out which firmware version it has, without having an Ikea Gateway?

Did you manage it to work? Having issues with shortcut button myself.

The “shortcut button” is just the on/off little button?

This worked for me and now since a week not anymore.

Homey gives this strange contradictory message: all is well, but it does not work. Whut??

Restarting the Ikea app does not make it work

No it doesn’t, it is saying “the device is working just fine, but I can’t press the button for you as I don’t have any hands.”
that has been like that from the very start, as you need to create flows to work with the ikea shortcut button.

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hmm. i’d have worded that differently. Homey can ask for it’s battery status e.g.

wich it appearantly falsely had said was ok untill it suddenly died: changed battery, worked again.