Small but Mighty — Live announcement and Q&A

Hi Abe,

Very nice, didn’t see that one coming.

  1. Clever move to drop wifi @ miniPro alltogether.
    I hope the next Homey Pro will be ethernet only as well.
    And um… maybe an optional wifi dongle is a nice gadget then :grimacing::wink:
    It’s a 180° turn however:
    I remember Emile saying @ Homey Bridge promo or AMA:
    the bridge does not have an ethernet connector because everyone has good wifi at home these days. And it adds too much cost.

  2. Very clever move to allow Community apps

  3. Is the zigbee chip the same one as the one @ HP23? (Probably yes, because it’s based on the same Rpi?)

  4. I also understand the cloud dependency construction is unchanged (it’s needed to authenticate amongst probably other stuff).
    Any plans to have a future Homey with 100% local access?

  5. I think Thibaud won the Guess Games by far!

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Because both can run community apps, this is in some way possible with the Homesh app set.
Even using webhooks should be possible.

The Pro 201x will be a z-wave controller on it’s own though

I am affected by some of these issues, but I decided to stop using devices that don’t work with Homey and found other solutions instead.

Waiting around for these things just leads to more stress than its worth IMO.
Some of the rhetoric I saw on YouTube earlier was pretty toxic.

I have more of an issue with Homey’s public messaging than I do with their development priorities.

The podcast was a great idea (inspired marketing, yes but still it works) and I feel a lot more sympathetic to current issues than I did before, having listened to each episode from start to finish.

I guess you’re not an app developer that has to deal with the issues that are present in the Web API and SDK, or have to deal with users of your app that blame you for issues that are beyond your apps’ control. Which is fine, but at some point, as a developer, you start to wonder if Athom is at all interested in maintaining good relations with app developers.


Sorry Henk, my remark wasn’t aimed at you, I just replied to the latest post.
My reply was aimed at the idiot who kept whining about Tuya suppert even though he was aware of the reason why that no longer works.
But anyway let’s stop that discussion here and keep this topic focused on the Homey Pro Mini.


Ah, it shows as a reply to my post.
No problem, thx for the clarification! :+1:t2::grinning:


I’m very impressed by the product positioning of the Pro mini in the whole lineup. I appreciate the team sharing their reasons and thinking at this event.

  1. Great hardware (migration) options
    For those like me that are so dependent on working Homey hardware in the household.
    a. I want to buy the HP Mini in the US and take it to another country (not Europe). Since it has no wifi or zwave, is there anything else (but the power adapter) that is country dependent?
    b. Can I add memory to the HP Mini by myself?
    c. Can two HP Minis share the work load (for example different apps on each one) in the same household?

  2. Z-wave is still my favorite
    Despite its technical superiority, consumers and trade seem to skip it. I was considering to buy an additional Homey Pro as backup/standby but the Pro Mini combined with a Bridge (for zwave) seems a more logical path forward in case any device fails.
    a. You mentioned three zwave antennas in the HP23 (performing well), how many does the bridge have? Does it perform equally well?
    b. The Bridge is wifi only. When the flows are run on the HP Mini or HP2023 how will this affect responsiveness (of eg. motion sensors) in zwave?

  3. Which product will support Z-Wave LR, if any?

Thank you ^^!

It might be worth working more in good faith on open lines of communication, instead of using the forum to vent frustrations?

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I actually agree: Athom should definitely have an open request tracker for both end-users and developers. Something like Jira, UserVoice or equivalent. Using a forum for that is not efficient at all with a growing community like this one.

Just my two cents.


Athom uses the forum as a cheap support platform. They don’t use the forum themselves unless it suits them, and leaves it up to others here on the forum to try to help out (new) users that run into issues that have existed for many years.

So at some point you do get frustrated when you have to explain to someone that yes, the issue that they have is known (at least here on the forum) and no, Athom doesn’t seem to want to fix it.

I don’t feel there’s much good faith from Athom, as a developer either. Reported bugs get ignored or scroll away from Slack (because that’s basically the only platform where you at least have some hope of reaching an Athom developer) without probably ever been read.

So I’ll just keep saying how I see things. If you have a problem with that, feel free to contact the moderators, or just ignore me.


@robertklep Given your responses on this forum, you have a lot of knowledge and experience with Homey. You also provide above-average answers to questions from fellow forum members.

What surprises me is that you spend a lot of your time on this forum, but are often negative about the product and the organization. If I were dissatisfied for a long time, I would not spend all that time and effort on a forum. Can you say something about this?


I like to help out people, and as an app developer I still often have to deal with Homey and its … shortcomings.


I think you should / could see ‘being negative’ as being real. IMHO Robert often is addressing issues along with offering a (way to a) possible fix.
And relentlessly keeps reminding Athom about it :sweat_smile:


Well put @Peter_Kawa

Offering a solution whilst being critical is a virtue. I sincerely appreciate @robertklep 's contribution and effort.

And yours.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Replacing Philips Hue, Aqara, and Tado bridges with Homey

10 posts were split to a new topic: Homey App Store needs clearer support for Homey Mini

5 posts were split to a new topic: Out of the box Sunrise and Sunset flowcards

Hi Guys,

@Doekse closed it yesterday just before I set a reminder to moderate this topic.

I / we split of two topics that stated here, but even then …

Topic summary by AI
The discussion Small but Mighty — Live announcement and Q&A revolves around the reveal of a new Homey product, the Homey Pro Mini. Doekse announces the live event on YouTube, where the new product is unveiled. However, some users, such as Henk_Renting, express disappointment that the reveal is not the anticipated Zigbee update.

Others, like RonnyW and deejayreissue, believe the Homey Pro Mini is a good move, targeting beginners and offering a more affordable entry point. deejayreissue also praises the new features introduced this year, such as Moods, Energy, and Dashboards.

However, robertklep points out that the focus on new features might be overshadowing the outstanding issues that need to be addressed. DaneedeKruyff and Sharkys offer a more positive perspective, understanding the business strategy behind the new product and wishing the company success.

The discussion also touches on the topic of criticism and feedback, with Eternity appreciating the constructive contributions of users like robertklep. Overall, the community is divided between those who are excited about the new product and those who are disappointed by the lack of attention to existing issues.

So because the Live announcement is done and there where not that much questions anymore about the announced Homey Pro Mini and answering is probably difficult until the first HP-mini’s are delivered. I keep this topic closed.

A new topic will probably appear when the first are send to customers.

Other questions are welcome in a new Topic.

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