Small but Mighty — Live announcement and Q&A

Three weeks, three epic announcements! This evening, we’re back with our third and final reveal — and again, you won’t want to miss it!

Join us LIVE on YouTube at 19:00 CET for another 𝘣𝘪𝘨, and at the same time 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 reveal :tv:

:point_right: Follow this link to get notified when we go live:

See you there :rocket:


Hope it is the so much requested Zigbee update by oh-so-many users, @Doekse to finally get a reliable Zigbee network on Homey…
(which Athom seems to be ignoring)
But guess not…. :cry:


Nice, a smart speaker.

I mean, a cheaper homey pro means a larger user base, means more revenue to spend on developing enhancements and improvements. At least in theory, user base growth would mean a better platform for existing users.

why so many negative opinions on Youtube :man_shrugging:
A HomeyMini for 1/2 price for beginners is a good start. I know many people don’t want to pay 400€ just to try. I think many users just started with simple things like Hue are a nice target group.


Yep. I agree its a good move.

Its a shame people only focus on the outstanding issues and not what has actually been delivered this year.

Moods, Energy and Dashboards are great.

The UI makes HA look very dated.


I wouldnt even say its that. I have zero zwave or 433 devices. But use matter, scripts and advanced flows. If you dont need the transport protocols that are omitted on the mini, it can likely be your one and only purchase with no need to ever upgrade.

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I think that if you’re affected by those outstanding issues, it’s a bit of a disappointment to see they don’t get solved while new features that take up more developer time are being introduced all the time. You get the impression that those outstanding issues might not get the appreciation they need.


Those are all additions, I think customers first want a reliable product like promised when they bought their Homey.
And then, eventually additions.

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I understand some people still have some problems, but making a fool of yourself repeating dumb remarks all the time, is just, well, plain stupidity.

If you look at the bigger picture you’ll see this is a good move. This product is not aimed at the public here on this forum, this is to expand business, mainly in the US and CA at first, but it may also fit existing users of the old homey if they combine it with a bridge when needed at a lower pricepoint as the full pro.

I’m just disappointed it’s not a speaker and speech isn’t returning :wink:


Is it possible to use homey 2019 as satelite for the pro mini ? for zwave


Another good point in the Q&A was announcement of BT satellite mode for HomeyBridge. That could bring back BT apps. I use an ESP for MiFlora outside to integrate sensors via Mqtt. I can imagine, a Bridge to cover these areas can make BT working again for many users.

Hm…so…I buy the Homey Pro Mini plus the Homey bridge and get a full running system like Homey Pro 2023 for USD 268,–. Why should I buy a Homey Pro then??
Why the price in Europe will be higher? Didn´t understand their pseudo economic talk. It is just because the americans are more price sensitive.
So this one will be launched in 2025, so there will be a new Homey Pro in 2027 latest and a nrw Homey Pro Mini in 2029… clever.

HomeyPro is the all in one for power users (already have experience with smart home).
HomeyMini is for starters ihmo. You don’t need a Bridge. If you are new to smart home, you can just stay at ZigBee.

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nice , also do on HA also for my plants and gradena sprinklers , super cheap 3 for 30 euro , easy to program and they work over wifi.

The Homey Pro Mini with a Homey Bridge is not exactly the same, if you listened closely you’ll find they saved money by using a compute module with lesser internal memory, so you’ll not be able to run the same amount of apps as on a full blown Homey Pro. (but if you need less then 25 apps they said you’ll be fine)

And the price point, well, US prices are always mentioned without Sales Tax because Sales Tax differs per state. So, you will not be able to buy it for the advertised price in most states. Comparing US prices to EU prices is almost impossible. (and also exchange rates)


You are right only 1 Gb …yeah… just counted… 27 Apps running…from which I still must delete five…yes…getting a bit tight with only 1 GB…but if you used it with the bridge?`Ok forget it…you must pay for Homey bridge monthly… didt know that.

No, there is no monthly fee for a bridge, the subscription fee is for Homey (without the Pro) which is a cloud based subscription model Homey.
When using a bridge with Homey Pro or the upcoming Homey Pro Mini there is no fee to be paid.

(@Doekse I think the marketing department has some work to do here, the distinction Homey - Homey Bridge - Homey Pro and their possible combinations is still confusing for many users)



I can’t watch the full announcement video because of this flow. Is it just me?

Well I got a Homey Pro and never cared about the other products… but true it is confusing
So Homey is a subscription modell, if you want zigbee , zwave etc you need the bridge… guess i got it now… or you can use the BRidge as a satellite for Homey Pro (and Mini)

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