Homey App Store needs clearer support for Homey Mini

I like to see an update to the homey App Store for the pro apps to note if it supports homey mini or not since it does not have the additional items that require the bridge.

Or am I mistake as I am new to the homey community. I have a homey pro but thinking of a homey mini for my dads house

There are filters for the missing technologies z-wave, infrared, Bluetooth and 433Mhz

Devices show the technology they use. Every app from the Pro is supported. (except the LED ring apps from Homey Pro 2016-2019)

Thanks as I was aware of that I am looking for a clear way when you search for a App like Aqara this needs zigbee but if you just search for the app it does not mention it

and it list it works on them all

there no clear defining this and its not so much a problem now but with the mini it would be confusing what apps will work if you search for the app directly. again if I am missing something please help me learn

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Guess it is defined per device:

and there are App like SONOFF (among others) with devices using different technologies. Sonoff App for Homey | Homey

So the App’s all work,
it depends on the device technology used and is you have that technology.

For 433Mhz devices they now also don’t tell you need a Homey Bridge if you want to use it on Homey. If the app is validated for Cloud it will install, if you want to add a RF 433Mhz device it tells you, you need a Bridge.


(I’ll send this to Support as well)

Never seen that info pop-up, Geurt! Learning every day.
I just found out why:
I always use my phone to view the homey.app store, but

  • Chrome/Firefox browser default mobile view @ Android: nothing

  • Desktop view: info pop-up!

About the filter

This technology / category filter is nice, but, to me, it’s not easy to find:

  • tap ‘Browse apps’
  • scroll down, but not all the way
  • under the appearing line ‘Browse apps’, tap ‘Browse all apps’ (what is the difference between “Browse apps” and “Browse all apps”??)
  • only now the floating button ‘Filter’ appears

I filtered on ‘Zigbee’ here. Nice. But, you can’t search the filtered results, the search bar returns just any app, not the filtered apps :man_shrugging:

(I know we can use the browser’s search function to search the filtered results, but that’s not the point)

Thank you that was new information to me and as I do fell this area does need improvement its does give me the info needed. I also mainly used this on mobile and never had the popup. but it does work on desktop.

I use the following shortcut: enter the * character in the app store’s search bar and hit Enter. Now you get an overview of all apps and the filter pane :grinning:

EDIT: the * character does not seem to work anymore (at least on a tablet). Instead, just click the search bar and hit Enter.

Sorry, both methods don’t work

Hmm strange.

I checked Chrome and Edge on a Windows PC, iPad and iPhone, as well as Safari on the latter two and it works (tapping the search bar and hitting Enter/Return). Note that on iPhone, the filter bar is not shown on the left, but as a filter option (in blue) on the bottom of the screen:

Not sure what platform/web browser you are using. Perhaps it only works on the said browsers on Windows/iOS/iPadOS?

Ah, I used Android Chrome + Firefox

Moved your post and all reply to get the topic again on-topic