Homey bridge roadmap /devices / apps

I have some sonoff devices (temperature sensor). An app exists for homey pro, not for home bridge.
As customer, I would need to use my devices with homey bridge, but right now it is very difficult to know if it will be supported, or when, etc
Having such visibility would be great, even though it could change (change should however be announced/informed, like feature is postponed or put in higher priority). Customers/end-users will have visibility.
Now I’m right now very intersted to know if/when sonoff devices will have a homey bridge app.
But globally, such roadmap visibility would be great for apps and devices.
Thank you

All I know is that Athom have been looking for a developer to create a Sonoff Cloud app, but I have no idea what the status is (and Athom isn’t a company that publishes timelines).


Any updates on this?
Would really like to have sonoff support in my bridge!



I allow myself to relaunch this topic because I have the impression that the beta is closed.
Are new applications possible on Homey bridge?

Thanks for reading

I don’t see why not, I guess there might just be a lack of willingness of brands to write apps for the platform (or to find a developer that can).


I understand what you write but a lot of apps are available on Homey Pro and not available on the Bridge (Sonoff or Tuya for exemple). Moreover, now there is a subscription fee but I didn’t see any communication about new apps.

With the new Homey Pro, I not sure that the Bridge will be upgrade.

That’s because Athom only wants brand-supported app on Homey Cloud, and both the Sonoff and the Tuya apps are community apps.