Small but Mighty โ€” Live announcement and Q&A

I wish you success with this small Homey Pro brother, even I (as Homey user since 2019) was hoping for rather bigger brother (not in sense of LG big brother :upside_down_face:) but I fully understand that this product shall actually help your business grow and keep profitable and is actually good for everyone. Iโ€™m also sure you made market research about target audience, so keeping fingers crossed you find the target groups and win the fight compared to those cheap and limited gateways. What is also great, this limited HW (eg. RAM) will push you even more on optimizations, so looking forward to those improvements :wink: as this will resolve some of the issues actually popping up. I guess, internally you are running CM4001008โ€ฆ

So in a good sense, let this be a success :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: