Nuki acting up

Is anyone else having issues with their Nuki app?

Since about a week it stops working once a day and I need to repair it by logging back in to my account.

Please search the forum, issues with Nuki have been posted earlier this week.

Also, can you edit the title of your post and remove the [APP] prefix? Thatā€™s typically only used for ā€œofficialā€ app threads.

I did search the forum and I couldnā€™t find anything relevant

The first topic is mainly regarding a different issue with Nuki and Tuya.

The second topic is in German.

@LumeijStraat are you still having the same issue? Because I doā€¦

I had rolig in about 3 days ago but it seems to have worked since then.
So not sure if its fixed or not.

I have this issue since long time now: the Nuki devices are disconnecting regularly (like each 3 days, sometimes working 1 week but rarely more). Pushing the button Ā« try to repair Ā», which ask for reconnection solve the issueā€¦ for the next 3 days.

I never found a solution, and had no answer to my support request (Nuki does not understand what Iā€™m speaking about when speaking about their Homey app for Nuki, like if it was not develop by them).

I would be very interested in a fix on that because it is very annoying on a so sensitive type of device.


My Nuki has disconnected it self again.
So issue is not resolved.

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Same here. Every few days a ā€˜repairā€™ is needed :slightly_frowning_face:

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@LumeijStraat @JaccoW @Ezeta I created a support request with Athom (since they made the app). Suggest everyone does the same: Support | Homey

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I also have the problem. I made the support request.

I got a reply. They said it might have to do with logging onto both Homey and Nuki with the same Google account.

I was asked to try the following:

  • create a new family member with a different email in homey
  • log on to Homey through the new family member account
  • repair the nuki device through Homey and log on to nuki with your regular account

I tried this on the 18th and I havenā€™t had an issue yet. But itā€™s still to early to tell if this is a definite fix.

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Hmmā€¦ Thatā€™s one of the reasons I always create and use user/password accounts, no ā€œsign in with Xā€

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I got the same reply.
But this is not the issue for me.
Im not using any other app or place where I log in to Nuki.

Thatā€™s strange. For me itā€™s working so far. 9 days without any repair necessary.

I got an email 2 days ago from Athom with a different solution (creating a new Nuki user instead of a new Homey user). Havenā€™t tried that one.

But for me, creating a new family member in Homey and using that to repair the nuki connection is working so far (since 9 days).

I got instructions to create just new Nuki user.

I havenā€™t had the issue with Nuki logging me out for over a week so I will wait and make new user the next time I get the issue.

How did you link the new user to Homey? Did you add the nuki as a new device?

I havenā€™t done anything cause I am not sure what they want me to do.

So Iā€™ll wait for issue to come back.
Hopefully the issue is solved by it self.

Knock on wood.

I havenā€™t had any issues with Nuki logging out on Homey so I guess issue solved it self for me.