[HowTo] Homey Pro (Early 2023) - Migrating from Homey (Pro) (Early 2016-2019)

  • If it are apps from HCS (Community store), and/or if they were installed by using the CLI tool, they’ll have to be installed by you again.
    The backup only saves the links to apps a available from the app store @ homey.app
  • If they are not (yet) updated apps (SDK2), they’re not compatible with Pro 2023 → click for info

I assume you installed them via homey.app and did not select your new Homey yet. IOW you ‘installed’ them on your ‘old’ Homey

I’d suggest to factory reset Pro 2023 and start over

Hi Peter, thanks for following up en check for the obvious :slight_smile:

The app (besides the HCS apps) is for instance “LED it Be”

Also, the factory reset works, but after selecting a backup, no restore takes place.

Greetings Joost

I’m now trying to do a full firmware restore from https://ota-usb.homeypro.net
Then i’ll try to setup again.

Setup and restore, same result even after a full firmware restore. Will try to restore the same backup from the old homey, that was created the day before yesterday.

Found the issue

Adguard was blocking the AWS url of Athom. After whitelisting them, everything works again like it should. Thanks anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

At least learned a lot about the new Homey and hardware today.

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Ah, didn’t think of Adguard or pihole things, while the first restore did work.
Doesn’t Adguard notify you of new blocked URL’s? (I only use it as browser plugin).

Like you said, by ‘fiddling’ like this you learn the most😉

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Hi Peter,

No, didn’t notified. And indeed it did work the first time. Also backup of my older Homey did still work even with the blockade. I’m not sure wat happens there (maybe the older Homey ignores my local DNS). The HP2023 did retrieve the backup list as well, so i wasn’t sure where to look at first neighter.

After everything worked in the USB tool as wel, i had enough fait in ghe new HP to look else where :smirk:

Mvg Joost

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Can confirm. Adguard blocks the URL: athom-backups.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com.
A backup is no longer possible unless a share is created in Adguard for the URL.

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This app, or the possibility to control the LED ring through an app, was intentionally removed by Athom. Athom has received many unnecessary support requests in the past because e.g. the LED ring pulsed red (official meaning: Homey could not start correctly.). But the Homey didn’t had a problem, but the users activated this LED animation with a flow.

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Hi Dirk,

Thanks for your reply, I don’t understand what you are trying tot tell me. I use this app on my HP2018 (for ages) and I want it installed on my HP2023. According to the app store it is compatible with HP2023 and it is available in the Appstore as well.

The issue is, when I try to install, no error message appears, but no app is installed either.

Maybe Athom should remove the users :stuck_out_tongue:

Greetings Joost

I wanted to explain, what the reason is why this app doesn’t work on HP23. And it still doesn’t work and it will not work in future on HP23! No more and no less.


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In the changelog it says that it prevents installing on the HP2023 since March. The compatibility list does not seem to be correct.

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Hi Fantross,

O, so it’s not going to be fixed. Hmm, that’s a pitty.

Greetz Joost

Hi Jo San,

I didn’t read the changelog, tought it was the HP2023. In essence that is correct :blush:

Then I’ll have to explore other ways.

Greetings Joost

When you still have your 2019 Pro, you can use it’s features like LED ring and speak by using the Homesh Controller/Satellite app set.

Should work with LED it be as well:

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Hi Peter,

That’s a good idea. I’ll dive into that. Speech is something I use as well, I would have to explore alternatives for that too.

I don’t own Google devices anymore, only Homepods.

Thanks for the idea!

Greetings Joost

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You can use the Google Service app for Text to Speech of your device accepts URLs.

I’ve also got:
“TypeError: Invalid Version: null” when trying to migrate from Pro 2019 …but can’t work out from the thread above what the fix is/ Could somebody point me in the right direction?

For those apps that replaced, rather the updated (e.g. Sensative Strips) is there a way to avoid having to remove and add the devices one by one (all 37 in my case) and rebuild all the broke flows (nearly 100 in my case)?

No, there isn’t unfortunately

Yes, there is! :slight_smile: See:


Plus, the Device Capabilities app has a flowcard to search variables, devices, zones and/or apps within flows and where the are located within flows.
This might also help with migration.

The flowcard is the same as the script on my profile.