New Homey 2023: from scratch or restore?

I’ve bought a 2023 homey because I was fed up with all the wifi problems with my 2019 homey.

But now is the big question: do I build it from scratch or do I restore from a back up for the best result?
There are quite some Zigbee devices (hue, ikea, xiaomi en others) and the rest is mostly wifi and such.
It would be a bitch to recreate all flows but everything for stability :wink:

Any other tips to ensure a stable setup? Both on homey or my network setup or whatever :wink:
I’ve bought the Ethernet adapter btw.

Hi Renzo,
I restored the early 23 from a backup of the 2019 and have had no problems. Only the zigbee devices I had to fix. My smart home is very big about 350 devices.
If you have installed apps from the community store, they will not be restored.

I started from scratch, mostly because I wanted to convert my flows into Advanced flows anyway. Also gave me the chance to clean up some old flows.

Guess it depends on the current state of your Homey

I’m building it up from scratch, mostly because I want to slowly migrate as my Homey Pro (early 2019) is still pretty stable, so first migrate any “optional” parts.
And while migrating slowly also reinclude several Z-Wave devices that are still included on secure (S0), and rather have them unsecure.
And for ZigBee so I can update all my Philips hue bulbs to the latest version, which can take up an entire day, sometimes even 2 days, because it won’t update the newest version in 1 go.
And also be able to optimize all my flows 600+ to advanced flows.

I have migrated a backup from my HP 2019 which workes great. Zigbee devices had to be re-paired as expected. Gave ne the chance to update them as well by adding them shortly to a Ikea or Xiaomi hub.
Beware that the Homey Community Store is temporarily offline. Perhaps make sure wether you have some of those apps, and if so be able to do.a CLI installation (there’s a how-to in the community here). But that all applies to a start-from-scratch as well.

Migrating didn’t cost me too much time and everything worked as expected. Although still in beta, my HP23 is pretty stable!

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Thanks. Good to know that a restore from a backup isn’t problematic.

I think will restore then. I don’t want to bring some of the Zigbee devices (ikea) close to the homey to pair again.
Do I need to repair all zigbee devices? Or is there an ‘repair’ option somewhere?

@Henk_Renting temporary offline in a few hours of days (or weeks). I rely on HCS apps.

When you go to the settings of the (migrated) device; there is a “repair” button under “maintenance” that guides you through the process.

Weeks. See:

In de app is zigbee nog helemaal nergens te zien.

Op de developerpage was ‘zigbee nog bezig’ en verschijnt alleen Homey zelf.

Ondertussen is de Homey al ruim een uur up and ‘running’. Overigens wel weer na een herstart (via de stekker) want na installatie was na een uur de Homey in de app onvindbaar.

Homey is overigens ook met WiFi (2.4) verbonden ipv met de ethernet adapter.

I had the same question last week (though my 2019 pro has been rock solid) and in the end I restored from backup. My set up is 80% z wave, 15% zigbee and the rest WiFi and other. Migration of everything other than zigbee for me was almost completely seamless. Couple of minor tweaks here and there with config and flows but really minor. Z wave in particular required literally no input from me. It did take a while before the z wave network was as reliable as before while it re discovered all the best routing. But now a week in I think it’s as good as it ever was.

Zigbee was the main effort. You do need to physically reset and re pair each device, it’s just that doing so via the ‘repair’ maintenance function means you don’t have to fix flows which is good. Having said that I didn’t physically move any of my zigbee devices while re adding. I just started with the powered nodes first and the ones nearest my homey first and it worked fine. Hue ones were the biggest pain as they make it so darned awkward to reset them.

Almost disappointed with how easily it all went. I’d been bargaining on a project :sweat_smile:

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You are not aware of the Pro 2023 how-to’s here?✓&query=2023

Yes I am. The information seems a bit basic. But please show me where I can find how to make use of my ethernet adapter instead of wifi. And not this page, btw.
Also, I’ve optionally used the wifi settings, because: you never know what will happen.

We’re two hours later. The zigbee developer page is still saying “Zigbee is bezig, probeer later nog eens.”. Hue sensors previously connected through zigbee (hue without the bridge) are now connected through the Hue bridge.

By the way, @Henk_Renting said that under maintenance you can fix it all. But I don’t have the zigbee option in my menu, so I can’t repair anything.

I would suggest doing a factory reset and start over. It’s sounds like a hardware issue (something isn’t being initialised properly).

Done. I’m 20 minutes up and there isn’t a Zigbee item in my settings and when repairing devices, “Zigbee is still busy, try later”.
How long should this all take?

AFAIK, it should just work.

Take a diag log and contact Athom, mostly if after Homey restart it works.

It will…just let’s hope it will not take as long as Zigbee rewrite :upside_down_face:

It’s really in there, but maybe my search bar works better?

Well, everything (but…) is back online, Zigbee too. All the wall powered devices seem to be working. A battery fed Aqara does too, just like ikea’s curtain.
But… ll aqara, silver crest and mi devices don’t. I’ve reached them, so the exclamation mark is gone but the sensors don’t report anything. A occupancy sensor did work once or twice but then seems dead.

I’ve read the limitations of the firmware where Zigbee devices could leave the network. Is that what this is? Does it only apply only to battery fed devices? And how can a 118th release candidate have these kinds of errors?


It’s not mentioned explicitly.

Homey now has Matter support! :man_shrugging:t3:

Useful, as always :roll_eyes:

As a beta. In a release candidate nummer way to many, 3 days before the end of Q2 but technically Q2. What is your point?

What do you expect? You’re asking questions basically no one can answer with any degree of certainty.

The point is that it’s happened before that Athom stops investing in fixing known issues and starts working on shiny new stuff.