[Homeyduino] E-paper for Homey

Yes both leds, using the usb c to power it now. Charging a lipo to test out tomorrow.

also on arduino you can do erase all flash - enabled to be sure.

I re-updated the code in the main branch, there was the files of the (deleted) v1.2.3. And i think it was the reason of some problems.

Yes, it works with IDE 2.x but i had some errors with it. So i came back to IDE 1.x.

@Edwin_Biemond stil no go, also have erase all flash on.

@Yov , try this version, i think the one you have stuck the start-up.

this still gives me the 1.2.2 version?

nothing changes for me exept no compiling errors.

Did you try an example of LILYGO library to check your screen?

not yet, bought it new as i first powered it the sceen went white and it rewrote the info that was on it before.

@JPe4619 , i changed the code for this one, to have custom weather icon.

The language is now define with the wifi.

const char* ssid     = "YOUR SSID";
const char* password = "YOUR PASSWORD";
String lang = "EN"; // EN or FR

You have now an Action [Text] “Custom_Weather_Icon”.
“disable” will set the default value (icon change with weather description)
“name of icon you want” will display which icon you want in the icon list

I will try it when i get time.

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uploaded 2 sketches… nothing changes on the sceen so is it briked?

Try “Demo” in the example list of LILYGO library, you will have this screen below with an additional line at the end who show the voltage every 5 seconds.


This one:

or this one:

With this parameters:

You get nothing? No errors compiling?

No errors, Upload completing hard reset with RTS pin. is what i always get.

Try on another computer if you can. But if the examples are already not working, I think there is a problem with the board. Contact your seller.

already second computer i try it on, contacted the seller wil be sending it back…

For all Dutch users interested in translation of dutch weather for correct weather icon:


Works fine, Thanks.

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@sebyldino Sorry, after some time, when value updates are done, there is again some shifting of the texts. It looks like there are two updates done for each value, the first update seems to be on the right place, but the second update, blanks the first position and the new value is written behind the first field.

@sebyldino EDIT: Sorry again:
This was a mistake of me, had a flow and a copy of this flow, running at the same time.

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@sebyldino Hi,
First of all thanks for this great and amazing project.

I just installed the last commit from Github on my new device and want to tell you my experiences following the installation guide.

I’m using Arduino IDE on my MacBook.
In the Arduino setting I changed the following settings that are different then in the guide:
Upload Speed = 115200
Programmer = Esptool

With these settings I was able to upload it without errors.
Thank you!

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