[Homeyduino] E-paper for Homey

I mean arduino 2 , I think @sebyldino uses arduino 1

Still there are two versions of Homeyduino SDK3 with the same version number.

that is not an issue because you have to go to the right repo , clone , setup nodejs , homey app and then know how to run this. Ours are not on some app store and you have to do a lot to make it work.

It is confusing to the audience here which has already issues with uploading a sketch…

they should use the app store one , ours is developer stuff, very user unfriendly

i agree but you are promoting your work like crazy…

that is not my goal but had a lot of issues with big udp packets and it became very unstable even with 1.22 . you can be lucky off course, I was not

you mean the e paper 1.2.2 ? i toke it out of the main map structure it was original in. becous that gives me this error;

C:\Users\Vadim\Desktop\Homey_e-paper-main\Homey_e-paper-main\Homey_e-paper-1.2.2\Homey_e-paper-1.2.2.ino:21:10: fatal error: imagesAndFonts.h: No such file or directory
#include “imagesAndFonts.h”
compilation terminated.

exit status 1

Compilation error: imagesAndFonts.h: No such file or directory

that is good, I think many did that , only need to make sure your root folder has the same name as the 1.2.2 ino file. else it will try to make a subfolder which is not ok.
also you can try arduino v1 which @sebyldino is using.

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I think that happened looking at your folder structure

tryed Arduino 1.8.19… same conflict with the customweathericon not converting from ‘bool’ to 'Rect_t"

Arduino:1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board:“ESP32 Dev Module, FTDI Adapter, Enabled, 8M with spiffs (3MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS), 240MHz (WiFi/BT), QIO, 80MHz, 4MB (32Mb), 921600, Core 1, Core 1, None, Disabled”

In file included from C:\Users\Vadim\Documents\Homey_e-paper\Homey_e-paper.ino:23:

zoneSettings.h:97:9: error: conflicting declaration ‘Rect_t customWeatherIcon’

Rect_t customWeatherIcon = {


In file included from C:\Users\Vadim\Documents\Homey_e-paper\Homey_e-paper.ino:22:

C:\Users\Vadim\Documents\Homey_e-paper\settings.h:10:6: note: previous declaration as ‘bool customWeatherIcon’

bool customWeatherIcon;


C:\Users\Vadim\Documents\Homey_e-paper\HomeyFunction.ino: In function ‘void actionCustomWeatherIcon()’:

HomeyFunction:105:22: error: could not convert ‘customWeatherIcon’ from ‘bool’ to ‘Rect_t’

   epd_draw_image(customWeatherIcon, (uint8_t *)deviceIconList80[deviceIcon], BLACK_ON_WHITE);


Meerdere bibliotheken gevonden voor “WiFi.h”

Gebruikt: C:\Users\Vadim\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.6\libraries\WiFi

Niet gebruikt: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\WiFi

exit status 1

conflicting declaration ‘Rect_t customWeatherIcon’

Dit rapport zou meer informatie bevatten met
“Uitgebreide uitvoer weergeven tijden compilatie”
optie aan in Bestand → Voorkeuren.

had the same , make sure you use this commit. But let me check again, when this happens (which commit) and when not.

My programming skills are very limited and you lost le at commit? :sweat_smile:

yep , no worries, I can reproduce your issue with latest

reverted it all

git reset f9e2092fb91e118071d0297fee4125fd597d61da --hard

In your case, download this Release v1.2.2 · sebyldino/Homey_e-paper · GitHub
extract zip and make sure the directory has the same name as the ino so Homey_e-paper-1.2.2 and inside Homey_e-paper-1.2.2.ino

can you try build this.

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Thank You,
i was able to compile and upload it how ever nothing changes on the lilygo, nor do i find it making connection to my Wifi…
Edit ik seems to be stuck on reset after upload?

I had the same , disconnect and see if it restarts.

It is not restarting.

maybe power off for a while

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Gona leave it for the night! :wink: gave it a good 10 min nothing changed

maybe a different power supply? do you see the blue and green led lights?