Google lntegration lost and can not be repaired (other then reboot modem / router / Homey): Athom is aware

Still online after >24 hrs…!!

Hi @Prom , It’s a fix that need not to have a new release of the firmware of our Homeys. It was something in their own server environment.

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@Michel_Bos aha ok, so I will not know if me switching cables was a probable solution. Them changing something on the backend. But positively; I am at 72 hrs without problems. :slight_smile:

Ha ha @Prom … that’s right. Maybe you hit a double jackpot :slight_smile:

I really hope this is the end station of this sad adventure.

I may have been wrong: Google Home is not working consistently at all.
The Assistant Sync cannot be turned on, it is timing out.
Some lamps in one of the Hue bridges respond, some in the same bridge have been seen last 8 days ago and when switched I get this:

I am getting confused. I want to remove all 3 Hue Matter bridges from Homey and start again.
There seems to be no obvious way to remove a bridge…I have unlinked Homey from within the Hue bridge, but all devices remain visible in Homey.

I also tried to remove Homey from Works with Google, but after long waiting I get an error Something went wrong. I tried 3 times. Athom, really???

@Prom Can you or someone else tell me how to remove the Matter bridges and all the devices from Homey?

Update: I removed each matter device manually from Homey devices… but can still not unlink Homey from Google Home.

Hi, there was a server-side fix rolled out according to Peter. :smiley:
It was no firmware issue or so of Homey itself.
At least for me my Homey cloud connection offline issues disappeared. No more connection loss after nightly or forced router DSL reconnects for a couple of days. I.e. for me the issue seems solved. Probably your’s as well.

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Hi @Michael_E indeed, the fix Athom made did the trick ! Finally the new year can begin :wink:

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I am sad. I am now falling in the same category as @Rrrr

It is time for me to summarize my first disappointing week with the HP2023:

  1. I bought it to connect 3 Hue bridges to Google Home so I can use voice commands to turn on my +/- 100 Hue lamps.
  2. Matter did not sync properly to Google Home. The Matter devices are stable on Homey but did not sync well to GH: some devices worked, others timed out.
  3. Connecting the official ethernet adapter made it worse. I first saw LAN/Wifi both having IP addresses on my unifi, but a little later Homey lost contact with the Wifi which was 100% stable for the past week.
    I could not even unlink Homey from Google Home (GH) until I removed the ethernet adapter.
  4. After a struggle to remove all 100 Matter devices manually from Homey I decided to install the official Hue app (I know, it is legacy, embarrassing) knowing it is probably a lot of work for a temporary solution…

I decided to throw away my home in GH, make a new home and linked Homey to it.

=> Exactly case B as in this post, but he is with Matter and I am with the Hue app devices.
=> none of the devices is organized by rooms but worse: they remain offline.
=> In GH I can only see my other Google devices online (like Chromecast, Google TV, Google hub, mini, etc) and devices from other brands (Sonos, Gardena, etc).

I am getting tired of this.

Hey @BenD

how sad to read what is happening @your place. I can imagine all the work you have done to get where you are now.

Fortunately for me, I have no issues with my Hue devoices. Since the beginning I had them connected via the Hue app. I switched to “Hue without the bridge”, (pure Zigbe), but switched back and it is working fine. Had to restart modem and Homey yesterday, but that is only once i a while.

I re-organized my Hue devices in GH a bit, so it’s different from Hue itself and from Homey. This is for making it possible to have the right commands, related to the location of the Google mini.

So if you use the Hue app, hue devices and you have Hue defined in GH, I can not think of a reason that the sync shouldn’t work…

Sorry, a lot of text without a tip or solution. Sorry for that. Just wishing you good luck!


Over 100hrs without reboot, so I can say it’s solved for me. Yeah!
I do not have troubles with Hue devices, I am using the app.

What we seem to have in common is that when I got my HP2023 a year ago, I also started with a new Google home. I haven’t been able to work with it since. At the time I thought it’s temporary and will be fixed. Support told me I seem to be the only one and it’s hard for them to spend time on one case.

I’ve written to support about our cases.

@Rrrr @BenD It looks like your issues are a combination of Homey - Hue - Google Home (GH).

This topic originally was started for the connection between Homey and GH was broken and couldn’t be repaired other that rebooting. In the end it was a failure at Athom’s server side and was not directly related to Hue.

I suggest that you take your issues to a newly defined topic whre the core of it will be the issue about connection between Honey - Hue and GH. Agree?

I think this topic we are in now can then be closed, for it has a proven solution. Again: agree?


Agree @Michel_Bos . For this topic problems are solved. Thanks all for trying to figure out what’s wrong and for letting Atom know we have problems. Cheers.

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That is a good idea.

The new thread is here, for those that have no fix since last week.
All Homey devices in Google Home (GH) are offline after linking

Just note that there is no proof the issue is related to Hue.

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Good luck. Hope you will have a solution soon!

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Late update: A few days after the Athom fix I did a router and Homey reboot and then all devices were online and stayed online for a week. Then I re-added the official ethernet adapter and all continued to be stable. All is good.