Aqara Doorsensors stopped working

Does that really make a difference? I’m sure Athom doesn’t keep statistics on when the sensors stop responding. Search the forum and you will find several posts where some sensors lost the connection already after some hours (HP23).

Where do you add the sensors? In close proximity to the HP23, or at the location of use?

The first time I added them both close to the Homey to see if they were functioning, and they did. Then I installed them on the doors, one of them still very close to the Homey. Both worked for about an hour, but then they did not send any signal to the Homey anymore on opening or closing the doors.

I used the repair function in the Aqara app to reconnect the sensors, which was successful with both devices. After half an hour they still worked, but later when I opened the doors, again nothing happened.

Then I repeated the described repair method, which worked like a charm, but after a while again they stopped functioning.

The preferred method for Zigbee devices is to connect them directly at the point of use. There seems to be a problem that switching of some sensors to another router doesn’t work properly and therefore the connection gets broken. Among others, Ikea lamps and Innr smart plugs are mentioned in this context.

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That’s good to know, thanks! I will try to remove the devices completely and connect them as new ones, hopefully that helps.

an intermediate step is to not remove the devices and try to ‘add’ them again. Homey will tell you the device already exists, but the connection will be restored. That worked for me for a few days. But I don’t think you can manually tell a Zigbee device to connect to a specific router, can you?

Nope, it’s not possible.

Do you mean Ikea lamps that are functioning like a router could be the problem? The zigbee device that are closest to both sensors are both Ikea lamps.

Removing the sensors and adding them again as new ones didn’t do the trick, unfortunately. The same problem appeared after some time.

Yep, but @Peter_Kawa can probably say more about that because he had these problems, but on HP19 (or earlier).
@Peter_Kawa, have intentionally not written “older”. :wink:

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You’re the best :beers::crazy_face:

@Colydon my experience:
I had 12 Aqara sensors throughout my house, working 100% 24/7 with my Pro 2019, without any zigbee router device.

When I added Ikea zigbee filament lights, the Aqara temperature and Pir sensors randomly started to stop sending updates.
Re-pairing them, without removing first, fixed it for a while.
The contact sensors, directly paired with Homey, did / do not change zigbee router(s), so they kept working fine here.
Note: I also have Ikea smart plugs, they work fine with Aqara

After I replaced the Ikea lights with Lidl lights, the Aqara’s work as before again: flawless.

Note2: Ikea lights and Aqara work fine with zigbee2mqtt, so the three, Homey 201x + Ikea lights + Aqara sensors don’t mix.


Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences, Peter!

It’s very unfortunate, though, as I use many Ikea zigbee lights in my house (about 20). Replacing them all isn’t really an option. I can add to the list that the Aqara motion sensors are working fine as well, as I have never encountered a single issue with them.

To see if your experiences also apply to my configuration, I will disable all Ikea lights tomorrow and test if the door sensors will remain functioning.

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Please check this new thread:


Have you tested with the stable v10.0.0 release for Homey2023?

Today I am testing this having all Ikea lamps disabled in my home, and until now it still works. That is a new record.

I saw that my Homey updated to version 10 last night as well, so I am not aware if that could make any difference. During daytime I will keep the Ikea lights off to test if the sensors remain working correctly. If so, then I’m curious to see what will happen after I turn on the Ikea lights again.

I went back into my logs and noticed that my Aqara sensors (contact and temp) all started getting issues when there was an update of the Ikea app. I too have a few Ikea bulbs that I thought played nicely with Aqara. I checked the Zigbee routing in the developer tools and that confirmed that all of the Aqara devices that are misbehaving run through an Ikea bulb (just one). Sadly, I can’t change how Zigbee devices connect, and the distance is too far for the Aqara devices to connect directly.

I will also disable my ikea bulbs to see if the sensors start working again. If so, would adding some Aqara smartplugs help in this situation? Would an Aqara Sensor prefer connecting to an Aqara plug and skip connecting to any Ikea lights?

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I was thinking about the same question as you. Could there be any way to “force” the sensors to connect to a certain router, for example by adding another zigbee device closer? For me it wouldn’t be an option to replace all Ikea bulbs as I have over 20 of them.

Probably the only way to find out is by trial and error.
A Zigbee network is not a static system. The routes change from time to time. So you can’t guarantee that the sensor will always connect to the Aqara Smart Plug. And how does the sensor behave when it connects to the smart plug, and the smart plug connects to the Ikea lamp?
So my recommendation would be to replace either the Ikea bulbs or the Aqara door/window senosors.

Same answer: Probably the only way to find out is by trial and error. With 20 bulbs, it will also be quite difficult to force the door/window sensors through additional or differently placed routers, if that is even possible.

Another suggestion what comes into my mind: Maybe (!!!) the problems can be solved by updating the firmware of the Ikea bulbs, if there is a new firmware available. But you need an Ikea Hub for that.

Ikea Firmware Changelog:


That’s a great suggestion, thanks for that.

Today I kept all Ikea lights turned off for almost all day, and the Aqara sensors kept functioning. A couple of hours ago I turned them on again, and hey… they’re still working. A little miracle.

Meanwhile I have ordered a couple of Lidl lights, as Peter_Kawa mentioned that he doesn’t experience any issues with those. As a plan B, I will replace the Ikea light blubs that are the closest to the sensors with Lidl ones. Hopefully that could make any difference.

Also I need to mention that last night my Homey was updated to the stable version 10, I don’t know (yet) if that made any difference.


A hint, let go of the idea zigbee devices use the shortest / easiest way to connect
I’ve seen my fridge sensor (back of the house) route like this: first connected to a light upstairs, then to a light in the living at the front of the house, then to Homey. While Homey is 2m away from the fridge :smirk:

It’s a bit odd to hear the Pro 23, with a different zigbee chip and brand, can have the same quirks as the Pro 19.
Like I wrote earlier, Ikea lights and Aqara sensors work together without any issue with Zigbee2mqtt.

I hope this procedure doesn’t have to be done again after each reboot. :crossed_fingers:t3:
It’s a pity that it’s not possible to see the routing on the HP23. It would be interesting to know if the door/window sensors reconnect to the IKEA bulbs after a certain time and continue to work.

Related to the problems with the HP23, this info makes little sense in my opinion. Again and again you read that device X has problems with the HP23 (or earlier), but works fine with deCONZ or Zigbee2MQTT bridges, even in combination with other devices. I’ve already made the experience myself with Aqara sensors (temp. + humidity, vibration). On the HP19 they did not work for long, with deCONZ they already work for months without problems.

@robertklep, @Dijker, is there a possibility to query the zigbee routing with a script?

Mention it often enough and at some point people might start considering moving to z2m :man_shrugging:t3:

If that data were available, I would have suspected Athom to have added the routing table back to the developer tools website already. Perhaps they just can’t get the routing data out of the new chip.