[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi Protect

Hello, the new cloud gateway max is allowed for this UniFi protect homey app?


So are we saying that we need to use advanced flows for the smart triggers?

Eric, are you smart triggers set for people or line in the sand? Also could you post a screen shot of the variables you have setup? I’m assuming once the correct variables are set then one selects the “A smart detection event” card, and in the “and” one sets the variables choosing the camera and in the value for that the name of the camera as homey knows it, the same with the detection type, one uses say person as the value?

Is there any documentation anywhere that would help with this?

I am not saying you need advanced flows. You could just as well use standard flows. I am using advanced flows.
I have set my camera to look for people. I think that makes sence.
I have used the camera tag because I have more than one camera. If you have one camera that check is not needed. That also goes for the check for type of detection, if you only need it for checking that “something” moved, than also that check is not needed. I am using it because I check for cars (vehicle) and people (person).
As far as I know there is no documentation.

Do you have created an Smart Detections Zone? en enabled the Detection Target?

I have created a detection zone on each camera for each detection type. I get notifications through protect (depending on my schedule) so I know it works. Have also tested with home assistant to make a chime ring and that works, just can’t seem to get it to do it though homey

Ive just had a strange thing happen that the solution might help someone.
A while back I upgraded the hard drive in my cloud key gen 2 plus from a 1tb to a 5tb.
I transferred all the settings etc and the cloud key was reporting that its connection with homey was alive.
In the settings of the unifi protect app on my homey, that was also saying that the connection was alive.
However, when I changed the hard drive, motion detections were not getting picked up by homey any more, so the automations needing this stopped working.
To get it working again I have had to remove the camera and the app from homey and reinstall them.
All now working again.
Didn’t have to do anything on the cloudkey.

Puzzling, but working again.

What settings are you using for the smart detections? I’ve added the cameras after setting everything up in protect so I don’t think it’s that.

From what I can tell I need to setup variables which I have done then I choose the camera name and the motion type however the flow is never triggered.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the variables and one of the flow hopefully someone can tell me where I’m going wrong.

I have tested smart detections in home assistant and those automations get triggered so the link out of protect is working

Is it possible that’s a similar problem that was discussed above from this post onwards?
If it’s the same problem, unfortunately there seems to be no fix for this at the moment?
See @ObelixNL answer to the problem in this post.

Thank you for your reply. Just checked, i have the same issue with the Unifi camara’s as well. None of this behavior in Home Assistant though. I even use my indoor cam as a sensor for the alarm. Works reliable.

Mvg Joost

Hi Frank,

I checked the wrong status, i don’t have the same issue with my camera’s in Homey. The camera’s motion does reset in Homey after a minute or so without motion.

Mvg Joost

Unfortunately not the same, I’m trying to trigger for a person rather than just for motion and on a specific camera which doesn’t seem to want to work. My guess is I’m not setting it right as I get alerts from Protect about people and in home assistant I can trigger an event for a person on a specific camera, just not in homey

Try Person with lowercase? ‘person’

Even “capturing” the Smart event, is not working. So i dont think any data is coming in for this.

Which unifi camera’s are you using ?

G4 Doorbell and a G4 dome.
In HA is see the events correctly triggering

I have noticed something strange.
I am trying to set up a flow so that if a person is detected by my G5 camera it triggers my water feature to come on for a minute, so that it just for a person and not cars and next doors cat etc.

I am starting by selecting unifi and selecting a ‘smart detection event is detected’ for the when card.
If I choose a standard flow, when I use a logic card for the ‘and card’ the choices of type of event are at the top of the choices for tags and come under ‘this flow’, so I can use them.
However, if I choose an advanced flow, the tags are nowhere to be found and therefore I cannot create the flow. There are some tags in the list, but they are not the same ones and not ones that can be used. The smart detection type is not there.

is anyone else getting this?

This is the flow I can do with standard, seems impossible with advanced flow.

Wierd I got the same camera’s and all works fine. Dit you make a local account on your unifi protect ?

Yes. Homey does also “recieve” the data. But not with that flowcard. With version do you have of protect?

Hmm I’m on the release candidate now. Maybe the honey app needs an update when it comes out for everybody. Weird that it reports the data. But not trigger the flow.