[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi Protect

Hi Stéphan! @ObelixNL
I have a problem that has existed for quite some time, but which I did not really understand - until now!
It is about the status “Motion alarm” sometimes locking to “Yes” on a camera.
Today I found out when this happens; If a camera has “Recording mode” to “Detections” and this is changed to “Never”, the camera will change “Motion alarm” to “Yes” on the next detection - and will not change back to “No” again.
This is not corrected until “Recording mode” is changed to “Detections” again and at the next detection the status “Motion alarm” works as it should again.
So somehow “Motion alarm” is affected by “Recording mode” which I don’t understand why. Shouldn’t the “Motion alarm” status work regardless of which “Recording mode” is selected?
Hope you could find a solution!

(Running 1.5.16 on 8.0.8)