[APP][Pro] SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus

Thanks but I mean screenshots of the SolareEdge inverter internal inverter settings. (SETapp screenshots or internal webserver settings screenshots)

Interesting what you say, looks like you’re doing what your inverter itself normally should do pretty well; capping (not cutting) Do I understand that you inverter stops production (cutting) completely instead of capping it? Normally with it’s default settings you’re inverter should do the job of capping pretty well. 113% overdimensioning is only a small overdimensioning. So it looks to me like you’re trying to do something what actually your (correctly setup) inverter should do perfectly by itself.

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check the manual I guess, we do it all from homey.

Tru, but I never want to be on the edge of max or min. Bad experiences with that.

Thanks for the info.

@Edwin_Biemond 3 things:

  1. Will you be able to change the decimal in the battery temp. and if so is there anything I can do to assist? :slight_smile:
  1. Today I stumpled upon a little “glitch”.
    When I set the toggle to “Battery first” it goes to Grid First and vice versa. It’s only the “then” toggle card (Picture 1). It works like a charm when setting the time as seen in Picture 2.
    So again - only the toggle is the issue where Grid and Battery priority has been switched around :slight_smile:

Picture 1

Picture 2

  1. Is there any way to set discharging of the battery to X% when setting the inverter to Grid First?
    I see it as an option in the documentation you posted in the first post.
    If possible, this is a feature request I’d like to add, if you find the time to continue your great efforts on the app :slight_smile:

Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help out :slight_smile:

will, check it all. I hope in the weekend have some time.


What a champ!


I have a flow with battery% setting during grid first prio, it works flawlessly.

What the flow does:

If I have battery power left to inject into grid, I check that (only in the early morning, because we use battery power ourselves during the expensive moments eq. 19u - 22u.) if there is any power left

I will then check the weather for the next day, and with full cloudy weather (weathercode > 3) I will allow to 50% battery to inject, with better weather 20%.

All of this ONLY between a timeslot of 04-08u and only when the price/kw is high enough, but for sure not < 0.- (this you will pay instead of getting money.

Additional, this is based on the contract dynamic tariff we have, useless to do so when fixed pricing.

EDIT: The time period mentioned is the prio grid time period, normal operations load first. Setting this fixed works better than switching the prio’s each time in flows, the inverter takes time to switch and (I think) this is not ment to be.

I tried this 2 flows to lower the power output when the dynamic electricity price is less then 0,10 Euro.
Wit a manual test the solaredge invertor does not react, power procucing keeps the same.

Reading out the power state by modbus works fast en great.

Do i need to do more for controllling the power output this way?


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You can add in your SolarEdge app you have a dynamic contract.

I am in contact with the SolarEdge customer service and they claim you should activate this.
( my Zonneplan contract will start in July so I did not tried this.
According to them setting active power limit does not work otherwise.


Thx, I will try that.

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interesting for me and Richard it works on a older inverter but not on a new one

looks they introduced something new , mine inverter is from 2021

at least when you also install meters on your inverter you can use production limit, which does change active power every time to meet your export limit.

for 3

does this flow action now work for you .

What kind if meters do you mean

they will add rings on your phases in your meterkast and some box next to it , that will be connected to your inverter ( do cable/ not zigbee). after this you will get more data about usage/load etc and with this you can do import or export control.

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First of all thanks for a great app.
Me as a Huawei user have only one wish, can you make the app not read only?
I would love to be able to control when my battery discharges, or to set a maximum discharge power.
The user case is to stop, or minimize, battery discharge when charging my EV.
Thank you and hoping for the best.

hey, yes.

for huawei you need to use a login for every change or not? I need to check how to do this.

Yes it works like a charm :slight_smile:
Great work :+1:

Then one more feature request (which was actually my original intention :smiley:):

Is it possible to set a “% discharge power rate”?
It’s an option in the webinterface and app:

Sometimes I’d want to lower the load when charging and discharging to take the strain off the battery

I think it may be these lines in the documentation but I could be wrong.

I acutally thought this was it originally :smiley:

I’m not really sure what you mean? I have not yet tried to change anything from Homey.

I mean if you do this on the inverter or sdongle it asks for some login or not?