[APP][Pro] SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus

The problem is, that I cannot connect to my Huawei inverter. It has cable connection to my LAN network (same as Homey) and no luck with this. I have it normally visible in my Home Assistant app.

probably home assistant is blocking homey. most of the apps keep the connection occupied. can you disable HA for a while and see if homey picks it up. can you send me a report.

So your batt temp should be 28 then? not 2.8.
Mostly on all the inverters, charging batt does not count for your day total, because at some point like at nights it comes back. Can you check you batt charge?

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Hello, I also have the problem that I am not receiving any data from the Huawei inverter. Modbus is activated and works great with my wallbox. When setting up the app, I noticed that when I click on the Huawei with battery, then in the next step Growatt appears. Please help. I would like to get it running

thanks I see it , copy paste bug , you can ignore it

can you send me a report , also don’t do anything else like home assistant etc. mostly that keeps the port busy or overload s dongle.

Okay here it is …


Thanks for the help

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Total Day Yeld:
I thougt The total day yeld, was supposed to be the sum of Pv1 and Pv2 input but maybe you’re right about the battery charge :man_shrugging:

Yeah I think that sounds more reasonable, so I think it’s just a decimal thing :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone,

I’d like to share a strange problem I’ve had since April 26, 2024. I specify that I have a Homey Pro Early 2023, installed precisely on the afternoon of April 26, 2024, replacing a Homey Pro 2019.

My solar production is displayed in the “Solar + Batt Power” data. It continues to be displayed and updated, and my flows that use this data continue to work.

However, Insights data stopped being recorded on April 26, 2024. A restart of the app or box did not produce any results.

Does anyone have an explanation or solution? Thanks a lot!

The most logical explanation would be communication lost between inverter and HP2023.

  • Check if inverter has a fixed LAN IP, either fixed or mac address based reserved by router

IP address may be changed, very well possible if the router is rebooted. If not, the App developer should take a look.

Thank you very much for the explanations.
In fact, what I haven’t tried yet is to restart the inverter. But what’s really weird is that the Insights for the other values keep working! For example, Power usage and Power Grid export values are still being taken into account in Insights! It’s really only the tracking of the Solar + Batt Power value that has disappeared, and only in Insights!

it is homey 2023 insight bug, they are not following my defined label on insights, like homey 2019 , reported it to homey but they don’t care much.

check the power usage (default label)

Exactly. I’ve just completely reinstalled the app, the data with the Solar + Batt Power label has now completely disappeared in Insights. It’s still called Solar + Batt Power when you click on the device, in flows too, but in Insights it’s called Power Usage. If I understand correctly, it’s still the same data, but with different names :wink:

yes, they don’t follow my defined label like they did on homey <2019
but data is the same on insights,

I’m looking for some screens on how to set the inverter settings. All of which I can find are screens of people with very specific cases or problems but I need ‘right path’ Can someone please drop some screenshots of (in my example) basic but absolutely needed settings to get things working on HD Wave 1p SolarEdge inverters? I’m missing a bit in that I can control the active power percentage. All readouts go well. So now I just enabled everything imaginable and I can control active power now but I want to know the essential settings. Then I can revert the bull* settings I also enabled (reactive power control i.e. seems to me like a bull* setting to enable.)

hey ,

you mean how to do flow actions? like this

do you have a solaredge inverter with meters installed or not ?

added for solaredge with meters installed , production mode. basically dynamically active power to meet the value you defined. like 500 watt production and nothing more. you will see active power will be adjusted to meet this value.

SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus | Homey

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Something similar available for the Growatt Hybrides?

Interesting and coincidence but I need to limit the capacity due to the overdimensioning setup of 113%,
what I do now is to reduce export limit % and read what the production is after that, keep repeating in pieces of 2% until the level is at 99% of max. capacity, avoiding the self-cut of the inverter.
