[APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display

A suggestion to show more than 4 items.

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Nice! How did you do that?

Use a string variable consisting of number variables with spaces in between.
If needed, number of decimals can be fixed with HomeyScript.

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Nice and thanks! Have to wait until my new screen can be used with homey 2023. But will take a look at it then :+1:

Exactly the same happened to me. Battery was 100%, stopped working, restored after battery replacement.

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For how long has your display been running? At what update frequency and have you utilized the pause/resume action cards?

Any update about smpl with a HP2023?

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It is 25 days ago, so when is soon? Because I can’t use the product right now

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Hi Mark.
I understand and share your frustration. But can only forward what Athom is telling us. The issue is 100% on Homey side.
Fortunately good news from Athom last week:
Just wanted to let you know that we are currently testing a Homey Pro (Early 2023) update internally that seems to resolve your issue with regard to reading attibutes, see attached screenshots.

Will let you know when this is available for you to test.

Soon seems much closer now.

Ps! you are also welcome to reach out to Athom support to hear from them.


Hi Martin,

Did I get it right, that smpl display is not yet working with the new homey pro? I received my smpl display, was able to connect, but I‘m still not able to push any data on the display. It just shows „This device is connected to your hub. Ready for data….“


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Yes, that is correct.
HP2023 is still early release and Athom is frequently updating their firmware also to make the new Pro backwards compatible. This is the case with our display.
The good thing is that they are currently working on it and that we can expect a fix from them very soon.
So, a little patience and we (they) will get there.

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Is this a joke or is this really happening with the SMPL devices? For me this is a reason to reconsider the use of the displays in our home…

Edit: Received a very friendly and helpful message from the SMPL team. Understand now what is happening and that this political message will NOT come up without any (advanced) user action.

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It was an Easter egg that has come up.

My problems with the displays seems unrelated.


Hi @Nitramevo,

I just recognized that my simple display changed its behaviour. It now shows 4 empty squares instead of the message, that smpl is connected with homey.

Should the display now work properly and show content?

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Hi @RainerMZ
We are still waiting for Athom, so nothing has changed. Your display most likely lost connection, which can happen from time to time for any IoT device.
You will know, when we finally have a fix as I will shout from the roof tops, so anyone can hear it :wink:
I was expecting something to happen this week. The day isn’t over yet, but seems unlikely.

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I have had my SMPL device since Feb (I think), but about a month ago the display stopped to update. I assume the batteries were dead, but since this is e-ink, it is actually hard to notice, The button on the backside did not do anything, even taking batteries out and in did nothing. The last battery status reported to my Homey 19 said 70%.

Now I have changed the batteries, and, after pushing the button on the back a couple of times I get a ‘startup screen’ stating that device is connected to my hub. Ready for data. - But it is not that simple! Running the set layout flow on the Homey does nothing, the backside button does nothing, the display is Frozen with the nice Ready message…

How can I get it to load data again?

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contact support. They are there to help:

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