All, maybe a strange question but I bought the frient intelligent keypad to function as a trigger in a homey flow. To be more exact, I want to place it next to the garage door and be able to open the garage with a pincode on the keypad. The keypad is on zigbee connected to homey and the trigger of the pincode triggers the flow of opening the garage. However, I connected the keypad succesfully, I can set a pincode in device, I set the flow ‘’ a valid pincode is entered (local)’ but unfortunatly nothing happens. Can anybody explain how I key use this keypad as a simple flow trigger?
The way the device works is that it sends a data like “Unlock:+1234”, “Lock:+1234”, etc. to your Homey, meaning, a button must be pressed in order to confirm your pin and send it to Homey.
Whenever you enter a valid pin-code, you need to press one of 4 mode buttons, so for example - enter a valid pin and press unlock (you can do that even if it’s already in unlocked state) - then your flow will work.
For example I tried with this one:
So, whenever I enter a valid pin-code and press any of the four buttons it will toggle my light bulb.
I am currently facing issue with Frient electricity meter 2. Once per week it randomly quits Zigbee network and does not connect back. I have to manually repair it pressing the button inside the device, which is quite annoying procedure. Any idea why it happens?
And the second thing is, that after every single reconnect, data are deleted. I always know what were last values before disconnecting so after repairing I was manually entering them in to the Frient setting to initial consumption. But after last reconnect, it does not reflect entered value and starts to count from the zero and it cannot be changed. Any idea why please? Thanks in advance.
I’ve seen similar also with other devices.
There are also multiple threads on this forum:
Perhaps @TedTolboom knows better what can possibly cause this?
Just got my hands on a keypad and with my Homey Pro 2023 it works like a charme. I already used Heimdall (manually turning the surveillance on and off). So integrating wasn’t difficult.
The only thing that doesn’t work is using my NFC chip from my phone to arm and disarm. I can add my phone via the “Add RFID Tag” option and then assign it to a user. But when I try to use my phone to arm the alarm (scan my phone → press the ‘lock’ button) it doesn’t work. When I press my PIN-code and press the ‘lock’ button, it arms the alarm.
Exactly the same happens with disarming.
I think I already noticed the problem, because when I remove and add the NFC tag from my phone again, it shows an other code in the RFID tag field. Is there a way to use my phone to arm/disarm the alarm? Or do I have to work with a RFID tag on a keychain?
Thanks in advance for the answer!
And an extra question: Are there certain specifications or criteria the RFID-tags need to have to work properly?
That’s actually a really interesting question, and a funny observation I got.
When I tried with a Nokia smartphone, it seems to be reading some number when applying phone onto the surface, but, every time I apply it, the numbers are different:
For example, first reading:
So, probably what happens is that you register one RFID number in Homey, but the number changes every time you apply the phone.
UIDs are dynamic, you’d have to somehow make your phone’s NFC UID static - not sure if it’s possible.
The device supports tags following the standards: ISO14443A and MIFARE classic.
All tags must have each their own unique identifier (UID).
Reading distance: ~5 cm / 2 inches.
That was exactly what I discovered. I guess that’s the reason it didn’t work. It registered for example 1234 as a code on a user and when I used my phone for unlocking the number has changed to 4589.
There’s no other way to get it working via phone?
I will order some RFID-tags for a keychain and try if that works.
I checked a few forums, and it seems like with certain apps (usually paid), you can make your phone emulate a card with a static UID, but most users complaint on how unstable this solution seems to be.
In your case, I’d probably recommend getting some cards/stickers (according to standards I mentioned in my previous post), and attaching it to your phone case, or under the case.
It should work easily.
Dear @frient
I have a site where multiple frient sensors (Motion Sensor, Motion Sensor Pro and Smart Humidity Sensor) have bricked. They stopped reporting once, since then there is no way to get back them into life. Motion sensors just blink green regularly but do not respond to reset procedure. (They do not blink red the led the way they should while the 15 second press) Smart Humidity Sensors led just constantly red, neither respond to reset. Currently there are five sensors in total (out of 14). Shall I start the RMA procedure at the distributor or there is any way to solve this?
With the RFID-tags it works flawless. Thanks.
@frient, I’m trying to write here too as I can’t find the product support references on the official Frient website and I haven’t received any response from
On September 2024 I bought a Frient Entry Sensor device on Amazon. After four months of use I received a low battery notification (strange considering the short period of time that has passed). After replacing the battery, the device no longer connected to the hub (naturally I use Homey). I also tried to reset the device but without success.
Since it is still under warranty I wanted to know how to proceed for the replacement.
I believe we already discussed it via mails
I confirm! Thanks
Hej. Can you reach out to us on, and describe the issues you experienced? I’d like to share it with our developers and help you fix the issue.
I believe we actually got it and replied earlier today.
I have the same issue
I have 14 Frient units (10 smoke, 2 heat and 2 HAN), now 7 (half of each) of them have left the network. When I reconnect them, they start leaving the network again, one after another. Sometimes after 2 hours, sometimes after 1 month.
I’ve contacted support, but got the same links.
Im writing Homey Support as we speak, but I find it strange that this is a “homey problem” and not a “frient problem”. I have 32 other Zigbee units in my network from other brands that work perfectly. Not one of them has left the network, ever.
I like the products, when they work, they work great, but Im strongly considering taking them all down and go back to the store where I bought them.
Yes, you did! Thanks, I’ll get back to you regarding the procedure.
I understand that Homey Pro hub works now with the Frient meter P1 dongle.
Do you know which existing Apps can show the data that transmitted from the P1 dongle to the hub ?
I tried to search in the existing apps but didn’t find any.
Maybe you can post a reference to this news?