[APP][Pro&Cloud] frient Zigbee App (v2.5.4)



Well, this is documented in the Frients site

If there is no app (yet) supporting the P1-meter, it will not work with Homey.

@Shimon_Facterman, @Rmb, are you kidding? Is my post invisible? :man_shrugging:

No, you are right, I overlooked the P1. But at least I was able to find the app :wink:.

Thanks @DirkG .
So how it is done ?
I purchase the Home Pro hub.
Than install the Homey app, and on top of it install the frient app ?

Sorry for the dummy questions, I just want to fully understand the process before I purchase the product.

I changed batteries in there for really good and expensive ones. Since that device didn’t have any issues. It’s been 2 weeks. Let’s see if it stays like that.

Yes, you need to install the Homey frient app from the app store which I linked in my previous post, or install it directly from the Homey smartphone app. Then you need to add the frient electricity meter interface 2, P1 in the device section of the Homey smartphone app or the WebApp.

These are instructions from the Knowledge Base:
Installing Apps on Homey
Connecting your first device to Homey

I guess it’s worth a try…
I just repaired my units yesterday… Now, approx 30h later they started leaving the network again :person_shrugging:

Today morning. Getting mad tbh.

Is there any way to get negative values from the Meter Interface 2 ?

@frient I bought a Frient keypad. But its a KEPZB-112 and it connects as an unknown device. I did not know there where different versions as it looks the same. Any chance to add this version to the app?

There are some hardware differences.

The KEPZB-112 is an Alarm Keypad, and it is a part of a certified Squid.link alarm solution, and it’s meant to be used with Squid.link gateways only.

However, we’ve seen a bunch of customers already asking to make this model also compatible with Homey - I’ll see what we can do.

EMI 2 P1 currently supports produced energy values.

EMI 2 LED unfortunately doesn’t as it’s using LED output from your meter only.

Just confirmed with our app developer - this issue is not frient-only issue and other devices get also affected by it.

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Thanks, would be nice to get it integrated.