[APP] Philips Hue - Transform the way you experience light

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[APP] Philips Hue - Transform the way you experience light

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Hi all,

Currently just migrating over to homey and everything so far seems to be working ok. I have a load of Phillips hue bulbs and have them connected to homey through the official app with the bridge.

For the most part they work fine. In my kitchen I have 8 gu10 bulbs and I have them set to turn on (Kitchen zone) with motion after sunset which they do but Iā€™ve noticed thereā€™s a slight delay in each light turning on, so they will turn on 1 after the other and not together and sometimes one or two donā€™t turn on or off or out of sync with their colour temperture.

Is this a known issue and anyone else have the same problem? Ive tried the group app and set a group of lights but I still get the same problem.

Anyone else have this problem?


Homey is unable to control more than about 3 devices from a flow concurrently. If you do that, one or more random devices will not respond. Thatā€™s an issue that has existed with Homey for years, so we have to assume it canā€™t be solved.

Iā€™m not familiar with Hue, but from what I know, itā€™s possible to create scenes in the Hue bridge that you can then trigger from Homey. That could be a potential workaround, because that way, Homey has to send a single command and the ā€œhard workā€ (switching on/off all the lights) is done by the bridge.

The delay in between each light turning on is strange, but may depend on the way your flow is set up.

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Are you using Hue scenes that you create within the Hue app on your phone or asking Homey to control each GU10?

At the minute Iā€™m using the:

Screenshot 2024-12-31 at 16.47.11

Ive also tried turning the kitchen zone on and also using the < Group > app to group the lights but I still get the same problem. The lights all come on a split second one after the other and sometimes go out of sync.

Is that the best way of doing it using the scenes in the Hue app? I see @robertklep mentioned that. Ive never really used the scenes in the hue app but if thatā€™s the best way of keeping them in sync Iā€™ll give it a go.


I have a house full of Hue lamps, somewhere around 50, and using scenes as created in the Hue app has worked very well for me. There may be other ways but scenes seems to be very reliable. It also means that you can set different scenes within a room or group, the response is very fast

Ok thanks Iā€™ll give it a go. Are you setting the brightness of your lights in the hue scenes themselves?

Yes. As a tip name each scene seperately, donā€™t just use the default names. For example Living Room Energise
Also, if you would like example flows with timings etc just ask

Thanks yeah I see you canā€™t tell the difference between them in the homey app, Iā€™ll re-name them.

Yes if you wouldnā€™t mind posting an example that would be appreciated.

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Just to share here what I have learned. So I had Philips Hue app crashing every 19 minutes, but it seems this was related to non-Hue devices I had added to Hue Bridge and then integrated to Homey Pro. These devices were Ubisys S2 devices with two channels per device. A few weeks ago something changed that caused the Homey Philips Hue app start crashing.

In case you experience the same, I would first remove the Homey - Hue integration for non-Hue devices as that was definitely the root cause for crashing Philips Hue app in my Homey.

Based on this itā€™s clear there is a software bug somewhere, but canā€™t really pinpoint if itā€™s on Hue or Homey side.

Support ticket has been filed with diagnostics report so Athom should be able to debug this if they want.

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Hopefully this is readable

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Seems to me itā€™s on the Homey side, your Hue bridge isnā€™t crashing :man_shrugging:t3:

They might point to their disclaimer on the app page: ā€œPlease note that 3rd party brands such as IKEA, Osram and other Friends of Hue accessories that are connected to the Hue bridge might work, but are not officially supported.ā€

True. I believe that is what they are going to say. Again, I am happy that Matter is there as Matter should be agnostic to the device brands added to Hue Bridge. (Although I have problems with Matter integration as well, but thatā€™s not related to this app and should be diacussed elsewhere)

Got the same problem. Since about two weeks ago the app need at last daily restart.

Are there any benefits from having the Hue hub connected with matter?

Anyone have theres connected with matter and is it reliable?


Honestly donā€™t know. As yet I have not had problems with my current setup so havenā€™t thought to try. The possibility of having to amend a few dozen flows with dozens of Hue bulbs is too daunting

At first I had my Hue lamps in Homey via the Hue app. I now have the connection to the Hue lamps via Matter and unfortunately there are regular problems because some lamps often donā€™t respond and the moods donā€™t work reliably. I feel like the problem has become more frequent in the last one or two weeks.

I had every hue lamp connected via matter
Not only was it unreliable and they went offline pretty fast (without any way to repair) it also had more delay than hue app (I think the local api connection is quite fast)

Right now Iā€™d use anything else in honey than matter. If it has an app use itā€¦I still have the feeling matter (and zigbee) donā€™t have the most priorities in development