[APP] Fibaro - Your home is your castle (by Athom)

For what reason? Because the flow cards “Is turned on/off” are missing? What was their response?

No, for us it’s not possible to add these cards to the Fibaro app. Athom has to do it, because the code isn’t public, afaik. They forgot to create this flow card, because the capabilities ere implemented:

So please be patient and ask the support about the status from time to time.

In the meantime it’s possible to use a workaround with the Device Capabilities App. This app provides a IF flow card named Listen (watch) from Device for Capability. Additionally you need the AND flow card of the walli switch Output x is turned on.
And this is what it should look like:

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They gonna send it to the developer from the Fibaro app and look into it if it is possible to add the cards and why they doesn’t created the card. So i’ll be patient and see if i get any response.

Thx for the workaround, works great.

In my home I have about 20 Fibaro Dimmer 2 installed for 6 years now. They worked with a Home Center 2 from Fibaro. Now I switched to Homey and unlearned all the devices from HC2 and learned them to Homey. So far so good, everything worked, BUT: not a single device let me dimm the lights. I have many different types from LED bulbs, Ceiling Spots, etc. Not a single device/circuit is dimmable. I tried everything I could image from unlearning, recalibrating, etc. I have no idea what is wrong here, as the lights ALL worked dimmable under the HC2…

I read many threads about the issue with dimming and Fibaro Dimmers…But I think they were all related to new installs…The big question ist: Why is it working under a HC2, but not under a Homey Pro with the same devices…

A question about the Fibaro dimmer 2. I cannot dim the LED spotlights to the maximum in the Homey app. Can this be set in the Homey app with additional settings of the dimmer?

Are you sure you use the right commands, maybe show the used flows?

Have a look at the Advanced parameters (Geavanceerde Instellingen)

I don’t have this device, sorry can’t exactly tell if this is in the Homey settings.
Otherwise see the advanced setting in the manual:

Maybe a reset is needed for your device before you can add them to Homey.

Having trouble including Fibaro button on Homey pro 2018



I have a wireless switch and set it by clicking on the on button to turn on all the lights and clicking on the off button to turn off all the lights.
I have also set a flow that when I press and hold the on button for longer, the lights should dim. How do I get this correct?

I have a question for owners of Fibaro thermostats.
Do your color indicators light up when the temperature changes?

I have Fibaro Radiator Thermostats and looking to create a flow for them to turn the radiators on at certain temperatures at certain times in certs rooms any help?

Try it “Homey Heating Scheduler” App.

… or “Heating Controller” or “VThermo” apps


Just switched from Fibaro HC3 to Homey pro 2023 and introduced all products.
But have problems with Fibaro Walli controll, I use it to control 2 lights and it works great, the problem is the built-in led ring I can’t get it to light up all the time it just indicates with green after you press it and yes it is connected with 24V and worked on HC3 that half the ring had a different color and was on until turned off.
I also have a Fibaro Walli dimmer and it lights up all the time, there doesn’t seem to be much to set in Homey?


If it is connected to 24V power supply, you will find these parameters in the advanced settings.

Following the instructions on how to include, new battery and can clearly hear the microswitch clicking but homey does not respond at all??
Anyone had any sucess including the button?

If you hear the microswitch, then it shouldn’t actually be a technical problem with the button.
Do the inclusion very close to the Homey, < 10 cm.

Didn’t work either!
Also tried another button i had, but nothing?!
No reaction what so ever!