Zigbee node losing communications

I have noticed that a couple of sensors of mine has stop communicating with homey. The’re battery is
recently replaced and there still plenty of battery left over.
Unfortanetly there is no similarities to the type of sensors that lost communication. So i cant figure out what the problem is.

I have Homey 2016-2019 and the sensors that stop communicating are Hue motion sensor outdoor and indoor and a Ikea Parasol contact sensor. What is insteresthing that not all the same sensor stop communicating is its just so random.
I have noticed this behaviour after and around firmware v10.0.7.
I have removed the sensor and reconect them but in a bout a day they stop communicating again.
furthermeore the Hue outdoor with out a bridge started communicating again after a battery replacement but only show motion sensor data without lux and temperature. all of these sensors with exception of the Ikea Parasolll worked for years without a hick up. so I dont think its the sensor or the hue /ikea app is the problem.

I am looking for way to restore the communication without removing the device and screwing up all the flows. kind regards

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Try re-pairing the devices without deleting them first.

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I have same Exp - Sonoff SNZB-01 & SNZB-03 and Homey Pro 2019 :slight_smile:

Robert, re-pairing would not automaticly erase the connection to the homey base?

Re-pairing without deleting first will not screw up your flows.

I have the same issue with my sonoff motion sensors and the hue indoor and outdoor sensors.
Looks like the behavior started with the new update. V10.0.9

When i delete the sensor and reinstall the sensors they will work for 2/3 days and then they go into setup mode.

I noticed the outdoor sensor goin into setup mode because it was dark outside en saw the indicator blinking.

Hi robert, i did try this in the past but when i tried to do so it says that the device is allready added and it aborts the adding process. meanwhile the device still does not make a connection. have you had the same issue ?

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It should say the device it already added, because it is. What’s strange is that Homey is apparently able to pair the device correctly but then still complains it can’t make a connection.

I would suggest contacting Athom about this, because it sounds like a bug in the Zigbee stack. Same applies to @Wilco_Slaats.

After the re-adding, you also have to reset the app on Homey.

The weird thing is I’m slowly losing all the hue sensors.
Now none of them works. And I can keep deleting and adding them but it’s frustrating…

I contacted Athom about this issue I hope they respond.

I have the same problem here where all Zigbee nodes are not connected. The most of the time it is happening in quite hours so during the night or when nobody is at home. I found the solution by restarting (warm restart) the Homey then it is reconnected again. This is with Tuya devices and other brand devices. Homey is pointing to the zigbee Tuya app. And the app developer is pointing towards the Homey Which is a Homey Pro 2019. I’m now considering to switch to an other controller because resetting twice or more a week your device does not give any confidence. Of stability.

By resetting the app you mean restart the app? I have tried that in the past allready. But consodering that this problem is not consistent to a single accesory brand that gives me the perspective is a homey OS or platform issue.

Wilco did you refer them to this Q&A. Then i dont need to contact Homey as well kind regards

I noticed indeed that the connection drops off after late hours. But with my outdoor it only show motion activity.
And then in morning the signal loses connection.

Yes, that’s what they do, even though devices disconnecting or getting lost is very much a Homey-problem and not an app-problem.

Yes I did, but I would suggest to write Athom as well.
If many people are contacting them for the same issue maybe they will take it more seriously.

Yes, that’s what I meaned.

Same problem with some ikea battery zigbee fyrtur blinds and non battery ikea gu10 lights (2024 model but previous model is fine), all connected via zigbee to Homey Pro, without dirigera hub. They disconnect and reconnect randomly. By the way most of the time are disconnected. Today a couple of blinds, tomorrow another 3 or 4, yesterday one light, today onother one… obviously I’ve tried to reconnect them every time but after I noticed that it is useless I give up. With their dirigera hub never happened. I hope Atom will find a solution to this. I switched fron Smartthings to Homey thinking to have a better hub (4 times the cost) but at the moment I cannot say so.

This is the message I got from Athom Support.

Hi Wilco‍,

Thank you for reaching out to our support and for reporting this issue. Our apologies for the inconvenience!

This issue has already been reported by other users. As you can see on the Homey Pro Changelog (firmware.homey.app), there’s currently a Zigbee issue which is caused by the firmware we received from the Zigbee chip manufacturer:
“…there is an issue related to Zigbee that is present since v10.3.0. Some Zigbee end-devices may experience difficulties reconnecting to Homey Pro after a reboot or firmware update. Also, in some cases Zigbee might become unavailable due to this issue. We are working together with Silicon Labs to resolve this issue as soon as possible. A fix is currently being tested internally and will be released in a future firmware update. We understand the frustration this may cause and apologize for any inconvenience it may bring to your smart home experience.”

We’re working on a fix for this, but we need to receive new firmware from Silicon Labs for this.

Please keep a keen eye on the Changelog, to see when there’s an update available for this issue.

So fingers crossed that they’ll fix the issue fast :crossed_fingers:


I did not get the same response. But we will have to wait.