Two IKEA spots don't wanna play nice

We had quite an extensive power outage today. When power came back up, homey (as usual) took quite some time to get up and running again.

Now, I have 5 IKEA spots in the kitchen. From those 5, 2 don’t react to zigbee commands anymore (spots 2 and 3). They were discovered:

…but homey complains “no connection”.

How do I force them back in the network without resetting the others?

Did you try to restart the Zigbee App?

Yeah I did mate, thanks. I noticed both failing spots have (should have) a direct connection to Homey, whilst the other spots all go through node 12. I guess it’s not a radio issue since Homey is literally 4 meters from these spots (all 5 are close together) and they worked fine before the power went down.

Did you restart the computer :wink:

  1. Tried Powercycle that Light bulb?
  2. Reset the Bulb and Re-pair it (One by one)
    See : Fixing disconnected Zigbee devices (without having to modify all flows)
    If Homey says it is Paired already, Restart the IKEA Zigbee app!

This works for me most of the time with Sensors!

Last Workaround,
3) if it is added as new Light, the Device IDs are in the URL on the Web Interface and use the script here:
[HOW-TO][Pro][Cloud] - Tool to FIX (advanced) flows after removing and re-adding devices

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Thanks Geurt,

Ad 1: power cycling only is feasible for all spots at the same time (and a camera). Of course I tried that, doesn’t solve the issue.

Ad 2: I want to re-pair the two “faulty” bulbs, but not the others. Since they are spots that are connected to the same physical switch and I can’t easily reach the bloody thing to disconnect it, there’s no way to reset the two bulbs without resetting the others too.

Ad 3: Prolly the only feasible solution indeed. The thing is, they all live in the same group. The flows all work on either the group or the “all (light) devices in the kitchen”. Unfortunately, changing a group contents still isn’t possible once defined.

Anyway, it doesn’t work now, so it seems I’ll just have to live with it that there’s more work to be done than I wanted :frowning: