Thermostat ts601

1st, it’s possible to use the Tuya Cloud app. But then your zigbee valve controller communicates (partly) via internet, which is a bit odd. It should work fine though.

2nd, the test version of the Tuya Zigbee app supports these:

Valve Controller

_TYZB01_ymcdbl3u / TS0111
_TZ3000_o4cjetlm / TS0001
_TYZB01_4tlksk8a / TS0001 (Test version only)
_TZ3000_tvuarksa / TS0001 (Test version only)
_TZ3000_j9568h44 / TS0001 (Test version only)
_TZ3000_iedbgyxt / TS0001 (Test version only)

You can try if it works, otherwise you can request for support here