Smpl mini display: battery powered e-ink display made for Homey

I had the same problem, solved it by creating a text variable and a small flow that populate the variable with Ja or Nej. The flow is triggered when the yes/no variable changes.

did not do anything for me. got rc2

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Unfortunately same here. rc2 and nothing ;(

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@Cuprum @Edwin_Biemond

is your display fw version up-to-date?
see guide in the online manual

So, now i have two bricks ( ok, USB accessible )

Attempted couple of times…

no the 1 from a year ago/ original . last time you said no need for a firmware update.

Please consider:

  • trying different USB-cables (make sure it’s a data cable) and USB ports
  • if you have anti-virus software etc. installed that prevent the update process
  • trying another PC
  • continue trying multiple times

If your order number > 2922 (sept 2023), then you have the latest firmware/Zigbee stack.

Done the tricks already… About “make sure it’s a data cable” little :upside_down_face: I think, with charging only cable quite hard to erase firmware and upload something… to reach picture above.
But yes, Your tips are all valid!

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upgrade went fine, but still cannot connect to homey.

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Hmmmm…then it must be something with your individual set-up.
We can’t reproduce the issue. Currently tested in several HP2019 and HP23 environments.

My ‘private’ environment is running 6 displays. First on two different HP2019’s and then on a migration to HP23.
After Athoms latest experimental firmware update, the displays are running even smoother.
But still have some issues with maintaining connection on Aqara units (door contacts, temp sensors and mini switches) and IKEA devices (range extenders and parasoll contact sensors). I believe this is not due to Homey Pro, but specific Aqara and IKEA firmware issues (perhaps even intereference issues in between them, as described in other forums).

I just have 1 homey and 1 smpl , which is upgraded now. nothing else on the zigbee network. also reset the network, so homey can find a clean channel.

all my zigbee , z-wave are on HA and use different wifi channels so it does not conflict with zigbee

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Then I suggest you add a zigbee router device close to your Homey Pro to let smpl connect via this. Other users have positive experience with this approach.

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@Nitramevo Hi, is there any update planned with new templates?

No update currently planned

yes with a router in between it works, sad . basically they did not really fix it and upgrade helped with this router in between , before upgrade nothing helped.

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Okay, is there something else in the works? Or will this product stay like this forever.
I was really hoping when it launched to have more creativity. So i could use it in more places, and buy more

Some interesting news from my side… Yes, got it working, but…

  • After the firmware updates ( both, display & homey ) - nothing, unable to bind
  • After adding first Zigbee router ( Aquara plug ) the display binds, and also was connected, but only thing on screen was the “dashed rectangle” ( or multiple, depending, how many parameters was defined in template ) but nothing else ( param/device name; data )
  • After adding another Zigbee router ( Aquara SingleSwitchModule with neutral ) - voila, Data on Smpl display

Just a little comment - have lot of z-wave devices, but before above named devices had only 2 battery powered Zigbee buttons ( of course they do not route )