Meross App Support

Hello Darrell,

Thanks !
How can I have this version please ?

So we just have to wait :frowning:

The test version is crashing too at the moment, it seems all versions starting crashing in last few days or if you get it installed and not crashing you cannot add any devices back in - feel free to give it a try and let me know. Details below


Hi all. I was using the Community Meross app as well until it broke. I suggest we contact Meross and request an official app from them. That way it should support all their devices and they can keep it updated with any changes to their API.

I’ve already contacted them through X and Facebook and will also email their support. Hopefully, if they get enough requests they will offer one. Homey Pro (Early 2023) has just recently been made available in the U.S., so that is a new, large target audience for them.

Here are ways to contact them.

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Also been getting no response from @palatin.bence. Shame. I only use the wall plugs but am quite dependent on them. I might just switch to the IKEA Tradfri ones as they’re currently only £10 each and it seems that the app is an official one with good support. A shame that Meross doesn’t respond to support enquiries either: they appear to have a lot of great products which I would add to my setup if only it had proper Homey support

Sent a mail and left a comment on their X profile


Strange, it cannot be working since its not supported anymore…

I have my cargate on it sow this is really crap…

Just tried my Meross outdoor plug using Homey. It works well. I even made a video, but I am not allowed to upload it here.

Using which version of the Meross for Homey app? Or are you going through some other route?

Just a regular Homey App, nothing else.

How interesting. Everyone else seems to be crashing. May I also ask what model of Homey and which software version?

I have the same problem. My meross app crashes all the time on my Homey 2023. Please fix it…

I’ve chased Bence again today as also had now response.

Contacted Meross directly and got a slightly disappointing repsonse below:

Dear Darrell,

Thank you for contacting meross.

Unfortunately, we currently do not support an open API, and we do not have any documentation to provide at this time. The solutions may be found on platforms such as Github. Your feedback is received, we will collect this and try to inform our APP department. Thanks for your patience and support.

Have a good day!

Best Regards,
Meross Support Team Official Website:
Official Store:
Official FAQ:

Tried mine again today and experimental version does re-install (i.e. the crash symbol goes away after re-install), however, the API is still broken as you cannot add any devices - you just get the message below:

Just chased developer again and offered a donation towards getting this fixed to see if that will encourage a reply, maybe worth others doing the same if anyone is happy to add a donation, collectively this might help get it supported.

I’ll contribute too

Do you want to ping me your email and I’ll cc you on next chaser?

Anyone else that is interested, let me know, if Bence has enough offers it may encourage support of the App.

That’s a bit frustrating