Meross App Support

Here it is working: Homey Pro 2023, Meross app (test) 1.2.6.
I use MSS310 (4x) and MRS100 (3x).

Hello all,
I received the same email as ernholm some days ago and like him (today) the Meross app crashed. Using Homey Pro 2023 and Meross app (test) 1.2.6 crashed. Reverted to non test version also crashed.

I have 3X MSS310 that are unreachable since then.

I emailed the developer to try to grab some news. Will let you know if I have some informations.

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I can’t use it here either, it just crashes and the developer doesn’t respond

Same problem with MTS150 thermostats.

Same for me and cann’t get the MSG100 working on Homey anymore:( I hope it will be solved soon

I have found the solution with great help of @Martin_Verbeek and his Homey App. It is finally working! :smiley:

Hi, since yesterday the Meross apps keep crashing. I tried the exp version and reinstall both did not work. Now i see the message: Request failed with status code 404. :frowning:


Same issue, can someone Help us?

Same issue, i wrote to the developer. I hope in an answer or i will have to sell my outdoor plugs

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I am facing the same issue, Meross App in Homey doesn’t respond anymore while the native Meross App for Android is still working. However, I am not really surprised because last December on the 23rd, I received an email from Meross announcing that they will stop their current API Cloud for a new one by the 1st of January 2024. So I guess the Homey App for Meross need to be rebuild based on the new API.

I read the developer is not responding sow i dont expect a fix

Another orphan App for Homey…

It looks like app is working again. Or at least for me it does.

The app is broken for me too:

@palatin.bence have you more informations ?
Crash id: 3045d399-a446-4e3e-9a2d-7ae2ee0d4988

Is the code public ?
I can help you to fix and upgrade APIs calls.

Thanks :pray:t2:

I also have the same problem

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Right. I was annoyed enough to create my own app. Please, know that this is super-super pre-alpha, and should NOT be used by anyone who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

Anyhow, I only implemented MSS310, and only their onoff capabality (and I spend 0 time making it smooth, quick, or look good).
If anyone wants to play/improve, see here: GitHub - kjamartens/Homey-MerossOpen: Open-source implementation of Meross app for Homey

Again, super-super pre-alpha. Expect that it doesn’t work and that it will crash every minute. It’s working OK-ish for me (at least, doesn’t crash), but is rather slower than the earlier version.

If anyone wants to expand, be my guest. It’s based on this: meross-cloud - npm

App is constantly crashing. Nothing changed in the Homey so I am assuming it is a Meross problem.

I see that it is not an official app but as developer web site i see
Could be possible to contact Meross support to help us?

I’d have to get feedback from the current developer @palatin.bence on whether or not he’s continuing to maintain his application.

If not, it would be nice if he could tell us if he’s willing to give us the source code so that we can continue to develop the application.

@palatin.bence , please, can you give us this visibility?
Thanks a lot!

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I’ve contacted him twice but no reply yet. Last time (a few months ago), he did repsond but after several weeks and added some devices but I’m guessing it is not actively maintained or he is busy as this test version is still not live and has a few flaws - I think most users are using the test version he sent me currently. Seems there are a lot of users and no official app so would be good if someone could take it over and give it a refresh.

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