[Matter] IKEA DIRIGERA hub en IKEA Home smart - Central topic

I’m currently scratching my head on capabilities fillup and setting, although didn’t have a whole lot of time this week unfortunately. Will make another attempt somewhere late in the week. Feel free to poke around, if you find something - either open a PR or poke me on GH, I’ll just add you as a collaborator.

Do a remote run, not just app run. Then it actually runs it on homey, rather than in local docker container. The latter doesn’t work for me either.

So, instead of homey app run, do a homey app run -r.

That module is only available from Node.js v17 onwards. The old Homey runs v16. So at the moment, the app will only run on HP2023.

Any update on this?Controlling Tradfri with the Digidera hub goes 10x faster en more stable than HP.

Looking forward to this integration!


I tested your application, and it seems to work… except that I do not have any Ikea bulb :slightly_smiling_face: Smart Blinds only.
But the app starts, tries to detect the lamp. Ok for now

I would love to test this, I am running HP2019 and over 50 tradfri devices.

Is it possible to install on HP2019?

I was at IKEA today, they only had the Dirigera hub, and not Trådfri anymore.

I expect the official IKEA integration from Athom to support IKEAs currently selling product. So this is a bit disappointing.

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IKEA does not provide an official API, so there is nothing to integrate against, neither for Athom or for the community.
Athoms does not have an official integration to any of IKEA hubs, their integration is to use Zigbee and join the IKEA devices direct to Homey.
The app that integrates with Trådfri Hub is a community app.

If you have Homey Pro (Early 2023) your best hope is to wait for IKEA to deliver their support for Matter in Dirigera, then it will work from Homey.

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Got it working. I’m really interested to get access to the grouped lights, so I don’t overburden H23 with devices. Also, so I kill popcorning and hanging lights.

Anything I can do to help test it?

Same intrest here, I have 80 Tradfri lights running on Homey 2019, I have both IKEA hubs. If I can help in testing, let me know

Ikea trådfri is actually official IKEA app and not from the community.

That is correct: Ikea trådfri is actually official IKEA app and not from the community.
But the official IKEA app is for the ikea devices and NOT for the Ikea Hubs like the tradfri hub or the new Dirigera hub.

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https://homey.app/a/com.ikea.tradfri/ is the Official Athom App, not supporting the Dirigera Hub, only supporting as many IKEA Zigbee Devices as possilbe.
Nothing to to with the Dirigera Hub and that was the question of the Topic starter.

Wonder if it’s useless to keep Ikea Dirigera, if there is no plan to have an official support. I only bought it because I thought I could use it as a zigbee repeater.

A Zigbee network can have only ONE coordinator, a Hub can’t be a repeater…

In other words. I should return it back.

The Dirigera can still be used for firmware updates of your IKEA devices, which is something that Homey can’t.

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As soon as IKEA delivers its primised Matter support, then IKEA Dirigera should work with Homey 2023.

If you are positive, you can interpret the latest firmware for Dirigera to mean that it is being prepared for Matter :slight_smile:

Release Notes (ikea.com)

Homey is 10x slower in sending tradfri. Even the old tradfri hub works 10x more relaiable than connecting devices directly to homey. Homey also doesn’t support grouping of devices, which ikea hub does.

I removed all my devices(30) from Homey to Tradfri hub. This works way faster and stable,



Is it correct that HomeAssistant, Apple Home and Google Home can work through Dirigera and Homey cannot?
If so, how is that possible?

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