Matter support

Looking into migrating Hue and some Ikea lights into Matter on my Homey pro 23, but getting a bit confused… Today i do have just a few bulbs and sensors from Hue. From Ikea I do have som blinds that is not supported by matter yet, currently running on the old “Trådløs” Gateway + some lights that I would like to convert. Also have a Dirigera hub not in use.
Do we still need to run the different Hubs from example Hue and Dirigera hub from Ikea when converting to Matter?

Can someone please shed some light on this topic?

Yes, the hubs “convert” the device protocol (Zigbee) to the Matter protocol, so they are necessary unless you connect the devices directly to Homey (because Homey also supports Zigbee directly).

However, the latter will only work properly if the devices are supported by Homey, so check the app store entries for the Hue and IKEA apps to see if your devices are explicitly listed.