Is there anyone who is working on, or aware off, an app to make any mmWave presence sensor available

Since some time there now are various mmWave presence sensors available in the market. This type of presence sensor, especially the ones combined with and integrated PIR sensor, would be an ideal addition to the Homey landscape. This sensor would mean a tremendous step in creating flows that really act on people’s presence in a space and therefore improve automations based on presence and possible energy savings.

If anyone is aware of any of these sensors being or becoming available within the Homey landscape. Or or anyone would like to take on a project to make this avaialble, I believe many users would be very happy with this.

Thank you!

Tuya zigbee (when you own a Tuya compatible zigbee hub) / or Tuya wifi presence sensor is an option.

The Tuya Cloud app can receive (and send) Raw commands (an mqtt variation) of any of your Tuya devices per Tuya iot cloud.

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I have this one and it is OK but a bit too sensitive. It reliably detects when someone is in the room but also detects when someone uses the toilet paper in the cloakroom :slight_smile: (the roll holder is fixed to the other side of the shared wall). I have tried repositioning the sensor without any luck and there is no adjustments for sensitivity.


Wow, that’s impressive, Adrian. Isn’t there any sensitivity setting present?

Can it detect the location of a person as well?

No, just that someone is present.


would this one work¡­/dp/B0BZRFFHJF/

You can often find modelnumbers here @ blakadder
Like this one “looks” like it.
That’s also the problem with Tuya zigbee devices: You never know which internal model/type you’ll receive when you buy one…

This site shows this model _TZE204_ijxvkhd0
But, it is not to determine if that’s your model from Amazon…
You’ll know after you bought it and paired with Homey…

You can search for this model in Johan Bendz github request issues, but in fact it’s pointless before you buy and determined the exact model…

(This link can be found at the bottom of the app store app page)

A note about a possible disadvantage of zigbee mmWave sensors:


does the wifi version work in homey, without the cloud/hub stuff?

I have 4 versions and all of them have the same ID you mentioned:

I cannot use them as they are now recognized as socket switches!

is this for the 2.4 or the 5.8 version? seem to operate at different frequencies.

the sensitivity depends on the “depth” you configure, if a ceiling model hangs on 2meters and you configure 5meters as “range” then you can sense the birds on your roof (reflection).

the sensitivity had someone determined to 20% as optimal.

best regards,

Yes, see “raw commands” below in my quote

Not really.
But not impossible.
I it can be done using Macrodroid.
(I don’t own iFruit devices, so I can’t tell if a similar workaround is possible).
It can read notifications, when the Tuya Smart app sends a notification from the sensor, Macrodroid identifies it according to a matching phrase, and the you can have Macrodroid send a webhook to Homey, and start the listener flow.

I’ve done exactly this, with unsupported PIR sensors, before the Raw commands were introduced.
If you like, I can write a howto with screenshots and such. Just give me a shout.

Please provide for a little more info or links in the future, can’t read your mind :blush::wink:

But, OK, after a while, I discovered what you were talking about, looking at the “uncle Ali” sensor I linked to.
Oh, and 2.4GHz is reserved for wifi / zigbee and Bluetooth, you probably meant 24GHz

To find your answer, you just could have scrolled down to the product description :

In English:


When it’s faced downwards, it should not be possible it detect birds, but it would probably detect moles under your house, depending on the type of flooring.
From the same product page:

Or do you mean the signal bounces from the floor upwards when the range is higher than the actual distance?
Never tested, and I’ve 5 mmWave 24GHz sensors running here, I don’t think the signal bounces, while it detects through glass, wood and brick walls here.


That’s rubbish in my humble opinion. It depends on the sensor, the surroundings (it detects water), type of walls flooring & ceiling.
Every sensor has to be adjusted with care and much patience, to get the right balance between detection and false positives.

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Hi @Peter_Kawa ,

Yes that’s what I meant. Reflections and also interference from other sensors sending to “eachother” (directly or indirectly) can generate false triggers.

Oh, and 2.4GHz is reserved for wifi / zigbee and Bluetooth, you probably meant 24 GHz

Thank you for explaining. I thought the seller did forget a ‘dot’ in the 24G notation. Chinese translations are not often that clear. I also think that most aliexpress sellers don’t really understand what they sell either. But in this, my error :wink:

That’s rubbish in my humble opinion. It depends on the sensor, the surroundings (it detects water), type of walls flooring & ceiling.
Every sensor has to be adjusted with care and much patience, to get the right balance between detection and false positives.

That’s so true, but in my experience 20% is a good starting point, that was my point. Of course there are a several surrounding variables.

Best regards,

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Stumbled upon this device.

Could not find it in the list of supported devices of the Tuya-sigbee app, although there is a “radar” in the list, the app listing

Does not mention it :thinking:

Seems a lot simpler then the aquara pf2, but for that to work, you need a home assistant systeem coupled with homey.

Anybody any light on this?

it’s without an internal switch? what’s the zigbee ID?

looks like this one:

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yes, that is the one. this github topic is about the “converter” - what is that?

a driver / app for… home assistant? homey ?


Unfortunately the FP2 is a royal pain in the *** to integrate properly within Homey at this time, it’s something we are looking into but I personally think we will have to wait until Matter support drops before it can be integrated the right way. Aqara already announced it working with SmartThings, but that’s also based on Matter support.

Sonoff also recently launched a mmWave sensor based on Zigbee 3.0, might try to catch someone from Sonoff at CES in January :wink:

AFAIK people are pretty happy with the HomeKit Controller app which supports it.

That’s very true and is a nice workaround! It’s just that we need Aqara’s blessing and local API access if we want to have it be officially integrated at this moment.

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