I just built an MMWave/PIR sensor for Homey using HomeyDuino and some custom made Arduino software. It’s using a cheap chinese MMWave sensor (it’s about €15) and I have designed a custom case for it as well. He is developing some software for Homey to make it more fun to use!
It features:
MMWave sensor for millimeter precise motion detection
PIR sensor for quick reliable “on” sensing
Temperature/humidity sensor (DHT20, not on pictures yet)
A digital light sensor (output’s value in Lux)
Distance sensing with the MMWave sensor
ESP32 WROOM WiFi enabled board
I am currently writing the distance to “Power Amperage” capability in Homey because I didn’t find a better way yet haha.
We are using “contact alarm” to show room presence and “movement alarm” to show movement. If either sensor picks up movement the movement alarm will go off, if the mmwave detects presence or you’re still in a presence timeout the presence will remain true.
The whole sensor is configurable through a webinterface that you can also use to update its firmware. It’s just easier with all those sensors hanging around that you don’t have to get them down to update the newest firmware lol. It communicates with Homey over WiFi. When you boot up the sensor for the first time it creates an accesspoint where you can connect to and enter your WiFi credentials. Then it automatically starts broadcasting to homey.
Looks like the Everything Presence One Kit I was looking into (but currently not available). However, that one isn’t implemented in a Homey environment yet.
Hahaha. Just out of curiousity, what would you pay for a sensor like this? Because I don’t think I can make this nearly as cheap as the everything presence one.
is there a way you can make this Into a DIY? (maybe with software aswell) so maybe people can make their own? I think there are many people who love to try this
It kind of is DIY, its just an ESP32 with some hardware attached that sends data to homeyduino.
Yes I developed quite an extensive library that runs on the arduino but you don’t really need that do you.
About the cheap chinese sensors, you really need some experience with serial data and programming to get them working. Don’t think that any manual will help you in a decent way haha. I have tried a few!
@Robin_De_Lange as @b03tz say, it’s an ESP32 device, so if you are familiar with that, it is not to complicated, maybe even @b03tz is able to help you?
no im not familiar with that, but I have seen on the link you send that his pf1 sensor software directs connects to home assistant, so I thought maybe it can connect with the app from home assistant to homey? without the programming ofcourse
This sensor communicates with Homey directly using the app “homeyduino”…there’s nothing else involved. It’s very easy to get that communication up and running.
I might; it’s not really clean enough yet and it’s a very specific implementation to this hardware. I don’t see how it benefits anybody else yet. My plan is to make the software more modular and to be able to configure for instance, a PIR is on GPIO 4 and this sensor includes the light sensor or it doesn’t, or includes the temp sensor or doesn’t. Because I want to make lightweight versions of Sensey as well (for instance a simple ESP32 board with an MMWAVE attached for bed-presence, I don’t need the other stuff but I do want my webinterface running for debugging and OTA).