How to connect easily a custom device via REST or MQTT or MODBUS TCP

to include by Bosch heatpump I just ordered a BBQKees device which is based on the EMS-ESP project. The bosch heatpump pushlishes depending on the model between 160 and 260 values plus those for the mixers and the thermostat. About 30 values can be written to control some functions (like min-max. temp for hot water etc.).

EMS-ESP can publish via REST interface (I believe in JSON format) via Modbus TCP or to an MQTT server. Wondering what is the easiest way to integrate via standard protocols ?
As the heatpump has so many values I am looking for something like a virtual device where the data is published either via HTTP GET or MQTT.

See : Commands - EMS-ESP


MQTT would be better as it’s push, not pull (like HTTP).

If MQTT is also synced bnack to your Bosch device (changing a topic will change device settings), I would prefer MQTT. It’s easier to handle.

If you can’t control via MQTT, you can try ModbusTCP. For this, you need a manufacturer manual with all used Modbus resgisters. You can try the app.
And you can check if the Bosch already has a LAN port where ModbusTCP is supported built in.

Ronny, just trying the MQTT way but there are too many options I can configure.
I think I’ve setup MQTT Broker/Client/Hub as it should, at least I can publish Homey devices to MQTT (I see them in MQTT Explorer) and I can discover them back (but I dont see the values published automatically).

I’ve setup EMS-ESP to publish to MQTT, I see data in MQTT explorer, but I cannot discover the devices by MQTT Hub.

EMS-ESP supports those settings and homeassistant and Domoticz naming standards (but not homie).

Can you give me some hints what to configure in order the MQTT Hub discovery works ?


Mqtt Hub is primary used to export devices via Mqtt to HomeAssistant.
You can create a device für MqttHub, then add capabilities in pair view and set the Mqtt topic that should be used.

As Alternative, you can also use MqttClient app. Then you have to create a flow trigger for every topic. In the flow you can write the value into a virtual device (e.g. created with DeviceCapabilities app).

Hi Ronny,
I would like to to use this functionality, but somehow i am not able to create a MQTT device, discovery does not work with homeassisant/ and creating a manual device is somehow missing a “create” button.


It’s a bit hidden. But you can click.
I just took over the app and some bugfixes are still in progress…

OK, found out that the buttons are not visible when creating MQTT devices, which was quite odd.
Any option to use the discovery function, the heatpump has several devices with about 300 topics, dont want to configure this manually…

You are free to add such an automation as PR :wink:

And please check the first post: