Hi everybody,
I am trying to setup a multi zone heating system in my home, controlled via Homey.
I have the following idea. I want to setup a multizone heating system for my home. I am planning to this as follows:
Due to distance constraints I do not use zig bee/zwave temperature sensors. I have coupled several Xiaomi temperature/humidity sensors via BLE to an ESPHOME. This unit sends the data over MQTT to the Homey-MQTT broker. Via a flow I want to have these data put into a virtual thermostat. In case the temperature is too low, it will open a floor heating valve, steered by a Shelly one.
What I have now is the sensors are connected to the ESP home. The data is sent over MQTT and received by Homey broker. As example, one sensor sends the following topic:
These topics sends data as 20.4 or 50% or 80%.
My problem is how to get the temperature data into the virtual thermostat as sensor value.
I thought to start a flow with receiving a message, containing sensor_2_temperature, moving this value into the thermostat sensor…
But I can not get it to work. Anyone any idea how this flow should look like?
Thank you