[APP][Pro] MQTT Hub - Community version

MQTT Hub - Community version


This is the community (maintenance) version of MQTT Hub.
It’s published by @RonnyW, but everyone is invited to participate.

The conditions:

  • The app is based on https://github.com/harriedegroot/nl.hdg.mqtt
  • It’s copied as new repository to allow PRs and updates.
    It’s available at https://github.com/RonnyWinkler/homey.mqtthub
  • I can’t provide support (questions, issues). I will only provide the repository and app updates for the Homey store.
  • To participate, you can fork this repository, fix issues or add features and provide a PR. Please test it thoroughly to provide a stable version for the app store.

The app has a new app ID. You can install parallel to the current app. But it would be best to deactivate the current app and install this one to avoid problems with parallel MQTT topic updates.
If you don’t use MQTT Hub devices, all should work as before. If you have devices, you have to add them again. Make a backup of device settings.


Questions & Answers:


  • 4.0.0
    Original version from https://github.com/harriedegroot/nl.hdg.mqtt
    Including CPU usage fix. You can set a delay in msec between every sent MQTT topic during broadcast in app settings. A value of 10 to 50 msec should be ok.
  • 4.0.1
    Adjusted app metadata

There’s now also an “official” MQTT Server app: MQTT Server App for Homey | Homey

It’s a bit of a mix between the MQTT Broker and the MQTT Hub apps, since it contains both a broker and a “state broadcaster”. It’s supposed to support the Homie convention (but it seems the implementation is mostly based on the example on the Homie spec homepage instead of the specification itself).

Since its broker port cannot be configured my guess is that it cannot be run at the same time as the MQTT Broker app.

Yes, I’ve seen the app.
Has anyone tried to import the homie topics into HA? I don’t dare if I end up with everything twice :sweat_smile:
If that should work without issues, it can be an alternative way to export to HA.
But a filter for device export is needed.

But at the moment, the MqttHub hopefully keeps users systems running.

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Nice initiative Ronny.

Maybe it’s possible when MQTT Broker app uses a different port, Robert.

Ah yes, didn’t know that was possible :+1:t2:

How can I install the app?

I’ve already found this repo, but I can’t find a way how to install this mqtt hub to Homey (Pro2023)…

Ah okay, the installation instructions don’t contain info on how to install apps from the command line. For that, look here.

Thank you works fine… great job

Or wait until it’s approved and available in the app store.

The app is live now:

The app uses the same title and image like the original app.
If you are not sure which app you should set up, take a look at the app version.
Version 4.x is the new version.


For users havign CPU issues at broadcast on a HP23: set a delay in ms for sending MQTT messages in app settings. Something between 5 and 50 should work.

@Thomas_W FYI


Great news, thanks so much, really appreciated, Ronny.

My longtime wish list, if you or anyone else could add this some day, that would be great (I’ve digged through the code, but it’s out of my league; or can anyone give me a pointer where to start ):

  1. Disable all devices by default, instead of all being enabled and published after app (re-)install.
  2. Add tick boxes or dropdown to make (better) sorting possible:
    a. Choice to sort on zone or name, a-z or z-a
    b. Choice to sort on last - first added, or on first - last added
  3. Also, is it possible to disable auto publish of HA Community app devices, if possible at all?


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I alredy found a way to keep all devices disabled until you enable them in settings.
I tried to make a setting to choose between auto-activate or not, but this needs much more adjustments.
I also prefer the auto-disabled version but I don’t know if other users are wondering why their devices would not pop up in HA after creating in Homey :thinking:


So, I can retire my MQTT broker app now ?

I don’t use either app so I have no idea if the “official” app offers the same functionality as yours.

Crossed my mind as well. Maybe a ‘in between’ “Save settings screen” can be inserted, during setup, which explains users to enable the desired devices to publish.

Also, is it possible to disable auto publish of HA Community app devices, if possible at all?

For the app it’s only a ‘device’. You have to deactivate it.